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Two weeks later..

JB is calling..

Princess Ha Eun answers her phone. "Yes, yes. I'm almost there", she said while entering her car. "Hurry up, I'm tired of waiting any longer", JB replied and hung up.

Princess Ha Eun grips the steering, "wahhh, now I don't need to borrow anyone's car anymore. Having my own car is convenient". She wears her seatbelt and drives off.


Princess Ha Eun rushes in into the cafe and spotted JB sitting at a table beside the window, "so sorry I'm late". She takes a seat in front of JB

"I will not tolerate this anymore after this", JB said and looks at the menu board above the counter to order. Ha Eun also turns around and scan through the menu but all the drinks seem alien to her.

JB just walks toward the counter and ordered one iced Espresso and one iced Americano. The cashier nods. JB goes back to the table and take a seat.

"This is your first time in a cafe like this, so I ordered for you", JB said

"Yeah, it's been two weeks already and I'm still unfamiliar with such places", Ha Eun said and looks around the decor of the cafe.

Princess Ha Eun looks at JB, "How do you think she's doing?"


She rolls her eyes, "your crush, y'know. Ha Eun. She has been staying there for two weeks, not sure how she's keeping up."

"Crush? Seriously?".

"I know you still have feelings for her, you're so transparent".

JB clears his throat and adjusts his sitting position. "Well.. I guess she's okay", JB said while avoiding eye contact.

"It's not easy to be a princess, especially if you've lived decades as a normal person".

The waiter comes and brings our drink onto the table, "here's your order".

Princess Ha Eun takes her drink and try a sip. Her expression tells her she never tasted anything like it before and she approves.

"What about you? What are your plan to live as a normal person?", JB asked and proceed to drink his iced espresso.

Princess Ha Eun looks at the sky outside the window and take a moment before she answer. "I guess I'll just do whatever I didn't get the chance to do while I live before. I also need to find a job Other than that, I'll just let fate to determine it."

"You're getting quite philosophical", JB said

Princess Ha Eun looks at him and chuckles, "I guess so, I just started reading philosophy books"

They continue to enjoy their drink with a nice background song to lighten up the mood until suddenly,

"Aahhhhh!", a scream could be heard from outside the cafe. It grabs people's attention. Princess Ha Eun quickly runs outside and sees a lady on the ground.

Two of Me [Got7 FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now