Lee Felix

162 6 11


20 years ago

"Dad? I'm hungry.."

The man pushed the kid away, making him fall to the hard ground. "Such troublesome kid! Can you just let me work in peace?!". The man turned his attention back to his paper works.

The kid held back his tear because he knew nothing he does could get his father's attention when he works.

He went back to his room with his stomach growling with hunger but all he could do is wait patiently.

After waiting for almost 20 minutes, he could not keep in his hunger anymore, so he searched everywhere in his room to see if he kept any snacks anywhere in here.

He could not find any. He went out of the room and saw that his father's room door is open slightly. He knew it might not be a good idea to get into his father's room without permission.

He opened the door slowly, to not make any loud sound. It did make a creak, but not too loud to get his father's attention. He searched quietly for anything, ANYTHING that could lessen his hunger.

He opened each and every wardrobe in the room and found a shiny thing in one of the wardrobe. He took it out and it was a ring. With a name carved on it, 'Hyun Ae'


Suddenly, the room door banged loudly on the wall. His father looked at him with death in his stare.

"Lee Felix.. what did I told you about.. going inside my room.."

The man carried the poor boy and opened the front door. The kid then got threw out onto the grass in front of the house.

"You stay out there! And take that ring with you if you want to, I don't need it anymore!" His father slammed the door, leaving him in the night cold breeze with no one in sight.

"Dad! I'm sorry! Open the door, dad! Dad!", No matter how many times he knocked hard on the door, his father didn't give a single reply.




The door to the girls' room are opened. Ha Eun, Prince JB and Felix comes in.

"Felix?" Minty said after she saw Felix came into the room. She did not expect that they would meet again this soon.

"Ayee, Minty", Felix replied with his hands raised as a gesture of hello. He looks around the room and sees Princess Ha Eun and JB. He then turns back around to look at Ha Eun and Prince JB beside him."Wait.. You're here.. But, you're also there.."

Ha Eun turns Felix to face her. "We don't have time to explain. So, long story short, that girl over there is another me, that guy over there is another 'this guy' and we're here to expose 'this guys's' father of his evil deed that he once did to us".

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