Last Moment

125 5 9



Everyone ran onto the second floor to get away from other's eyes and wait for the guards to come.

"Here they come", Princess Ha Eun said. Everyone takes out their sword, yeah a sword they got from Miranda. While Miranda at the back is ready to use her magic.

The guards footsteps get closer and they finally arrives upstairs. The guards get into position and draws their sword towards Ha Eun and everyone else.

JB gulped and sweats run down his face as he is getting scared. "Guys.. How do you use the sword?"

"AHHHH!", The guards charge towards them and so do they. The sound of swords clanking onto each other could be heard loud and clear.

Even though most of them don't really know how to use the sword, but with Miranda's magic helping them, they are taking control.

Princess Ha Eun keeps struggling to move with her ball gown slowing her down. She grabbed the end of her long skirt and rip it off until it is only knee high. "There we go, better", Without waiting any seconds, she continue to charge towards the guards who came into her way.

"Ahhh!", Ha Eun screams in pain as blood starts to drip from her left arm that has a quite big cut on it. Before the guard could grab Ha eun, Prince JB slashes the guard's leg making him fall to the ground. He goes to Ha Eun and help her stand up, "You okay?".

Ha Eun slightly nods but she is still groaning in pain. Prince JB help her to walk and let her rest behind Miranda, "you stay here".

"Cover her!", Prince JB said to Miranda. "I got you!", Miranda answered and threw three guards towards the wall at the same time.

Everyone in the ballroom starts to panic. The king's anger risen and he goes upstairs to fight them himself. Behind the king is Felix who is sneakily following him with Minty in his pocket. Suddenly his sleeve gets stuck onto a hook on the wall. He shook it slightly and struggles to take it off. After a few struggles, he manages to take the sleeve of the hook but because of it, his ring accidentally falls off from his finger and rolled down the stairs towards the ground floor without him realising it.

The king shows up in the middle of them battling and sees Ha Eun at the very back unguarded. He walks aggressively towards her and grabs her by her left arm.

"Ahhh!", The pain from the cut makes her screams and everyone turns towards her.

"Let her go!", Prince JB yelled.

"Hah! If you want her, come get her!", The king drags her to the balcony outside the window and threatens to make her fall flat onto the ground.

"One single move, and she'll fall down with her skull cracked open!"

Everyone froze in places and is too scared to make a move. Their eyes widened as he slowly pushing her towards the balcony. "Let me go!", Ha Eun struggles to free her hand from the king.

Felix suddenly shows up quietly but he walks while leaning on the wall so that the king who is outside could not see him. Everyone notices his presence but stays quiet.

He then charges towards the king when he least expected and separate Ha Eun from the king's grab and pushes him to lean against the balcony making him a few inches away from falling down. Ha Eun then quickly back away while both of them are grabbing each other's collar.

"You little!", The king grabs tight onto Felix's collar and with a big force, he turns Felix around making their position changes.

"Felix!!" Everyone screams when seeing Felix almost falls.

Minty comes out from Felix's pocket and change into her human form. She grabs the king's arm, "Let him go, you monster!".

The king chuckles. "Even with a big form, you're still weak", he then pushes her hard making her back slammed onto the wall.

"Minty!", Felix screams.

Ha Eun quickly ran to Minty who has lost her conciousness, "Minty! Wake up!"

"You piece of sh*t!"

The king laughs amusingly, "You guys are no match for me!"

"Monster!", Princess Ha Eun runs toward the king but is grabbed by the guard before she could reach him. Everyone else are also grabbed by the guard.

Felix looks at Minty who is lying at the corner, "Even at a time like this, I'm still useless", he whispered to himself and tears start running down his face.

"Are you finally accepting your death?", The king pushes harder on Felix making him a few more inches to fall down. "Do you have any last word?"

Felix looks at his friend with a smile, a smile where happiness and sadness mixed together.

"I do" Felix replies.

"And what is it little boy?"

Felix glares into the king's eyes and with his hand, he grabs a fork that he kept inside his pocket all along. "Do not leave such a fancy fork in an open place. It might stab you without you knowing".



"You!!", Blood flows from the king left eye making him scream in pain. "YOU WILL DIE!!"

With all the energy he still has, Felix pulled the king towards the edge of the balcony, "AND YOU'RE COMING WITH ME!".

Thus, both of them fall from the balcony at once.




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