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"Ow, ow!"

"Where are we? Why is it dark?"

"Who is this?! You're stepping on my hand!"


"Okay guys! I got it!"


The cupboard was opened and everyone fell out of it. Felix rubs his head because his head pounded on the floor and Princess Ha Eun glares at prince JB because he stepped hard on her hand.

"Wahh! Did we just got out throught that mirror?!" Felix said with excitement. Since he's new to this, there might be more awesome things waiting for him.

Princess Ha Eun looks at the clock on the wall,"Isn't it almost meal time? What if the maid comes looking for me soon?"

"Don't worry, I put a spell on everyone here that makes them forget your existence for a while. For the days you were at the other world, I kept a watch on this place and make sure no one notices your disappearance", Miranda explained.

"Think you can prolong the spell a little longer? We need to come up with a plan"

Minty looks around the room and sees a pink floral gown hanged on the door and she is reminded of something, "hey, isn't there supposed to be another royal ball at Prince JB's palace?"

Princess Ha Eun walks toward her desk and look at the calendar on it, "it's tonight"

"T-tonight? So are we supposed to come up with something before the ball", Ha Eun said. The days flew by and the royal ball is tonight. With nothing planned, everyone is trying to come up with something.

It was silent for a second until Prince JB stands up and let out his voice, "I want to expose him".

Everyone looks at the Prince and feels kinda bad for him, having to plan something to ruin his own father.

"Are you sure? People might not believe us" , Ha Eun said

"There are two Ha Euns and two JBs here. Why wouldn't they"

Everyone looks at each other, wondering if this might work. Maybe it is best to expose the king, so that he cannot longer deceives the folks here

Miranda comes in closer and pulls everyone near into a circle, "Then how about we do this.."


Few hours later

Everyone is ready with their ball gowns and clothes. Miranda looks at everyone one by one and nod slightly, signaling that they are ready to carry out the plan. She raises both her hands towards the chamber's door and chant something.

After chanting, she turns to everyone, "everything's back to normal. Now we can move". She looks at Prince JB and Princess Ha Eun and they both nod back at her. Both of them slowly walks out of the chamber while looking around to make sure there are no guards near the chamber.

Two of Me [Got7 FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now