The Lady

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"Little girl, would you mind following me?"

The shadows grew bigger as the person came nearer. She grabbed my shoulder, trying to get me off the swing and covered my mouth and nose with a napkin

And slowly.. I lost consciousness.


Where am I?..

I woke up but I cannot see anything because my eyes were covered, but I could sense that I'm in some kind of abandoned place filled with silence.

Suddenly footsteps can be heard.

"W-who are you? .. Where am I?"

No reply. The footsteps keep getting nearer and both my arms were grabbed. With two hands grabbing each of my arm, I could tell that there are more than one person who's doing this. They made me stand up and slowly walked me straight ahead blindly, with my eyes still covered.

Few steps later, they stopped me and let my arms go. Suddenly, someone chanted a magic spell in some kind of foreign language which I didn't understand, but just the sound of it made me scared.

"Get in" A lady said.

I was confused and didn't know what she meant. Get in? Get in where? Is there something in front of me?

"Just take a few steps forward.." She continued.

"I.. I don't want to..", my voice were shaking. I'm scared and I didn't know what kind of danger would I be in if I step forward. Are they trying to kill me?

Suddenly, the two people grabbed my arms again and forced me to walk ahead. "NO!", I yelled

As I struggled to free myself from them, my blindfold started to get loose and eventually it dropped, making me see clearly what's in front of me.

And there, I see her..

The lady..




"Oh? She's awake"

I opened my eyes slowly..

"You okay?" Ha Eun who is sitting right beside me comes closer.

I try to get myself up from lying and sit on the bed with my head still a little bit dizzy. "What happened?"

"Your head were in pain last night and you lost consciousness", Ha Eun explained.

Ahh.. The thing about last night came to my head and could remember how my head suddenly throbbed like crazy yesterday and I was groaning in pain. And.. I was with JB.

"Wait, then...How about JB?"

Ha Eun looks at me for a few seconds, "Er.. About that.."

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