Chapter 5

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Erika's POV
It's now time for school, and I'm really worried about what's gonna happen with Bryan. Jake and I don't even have feelings for eachother. I get ready and do my usual routine. I head to school, and I go to first period. I notice jake isn't here. Grayson sits in front of me.

G) Erika, where's Jake?
E) I don't know. I'll text him.

Jakes POV
I head to the trap house, and I see Chance & Kade waiting outside. I quickly run in. And we meet the dealer- his name is Ethan.

E) yo, where's the money at?

I look at chance. I see him signaling to me, and I pull out my wallet and hand Ethan $100. Ethan hands us the duffel bag. I hand him another $100 as a tip.

E) take the back door out. If you get caught, don't say my name. Remember what I told you Chance?
C) yes sirrr *chuckles*

As we're all talking, I feel my phone go off. It's Erika calling me.

E) where are you?
J) sorry stuff came up, see you at your house later?
E) *sighs* jake you can't just skip school, you just started.
J) I'll see you later okay?
E) I guess. Be safe.

Chance gives me a weird look, and so does Ethan.

J) sorry, my friend called.
C) oooh Jakey got a girl?
E) damn, you better keep your mouth shut about this
J) chill, she's my friend.
K) is she hot?
J) hell yeah *laughs*

We say our goodbyes and start to head out. As we head out we're greeted by the cops. They push me onto the ground, and arrest me. 2 other cops have Kade & Chance. Then another one comes out with Ethan.

C1) your under arrest for possession of drugs

I watch as the cops go through the duffel bag, which literally have cocaine in it. The cops drag us all into separate cars. Next thing you know we're in jail.

Erika's POV
Today was pretty much a usual day. It was a bit weird about how jake didn't come, I just hope he isn't getting into trouble. I head home, and jake isn't here yet. I text him, and get no response.

E) hey jake, you still coming over?

All of a sudden I see Bryan coming up to the door. I open the door, and he hugs me.

E) Im sorry. He's just a friend, I promise *sighs*
B) why didn't you just tell me? *tears up*
E) I was afraid you wouldn't let me help him. He's supposed to be coming over right now, but still hasn't showed up.
B) I'm sorry for what I did to you. It was wrong. I was just so mad.

I reach up, and he kisses me. We go upstairs and lay on my bed.

Jakes POV
They ask for an emergency contact to call. I can't tell my mom or my brother about this. I also can't call erika, because she'd be pissed. So I give them Anthony's number.

C2) Jake, you were arrested for possession of drugs. As I see in your files, this isn't your first offense of drug possession. You will not be charged for selling. Your looking at a solid 3-6 month sentence.Your bail will be set at $5,000. If your bailed, you'll only be required to serve community service. But, I'm willing to just sentence a 3 month service. Any questions or concerns?
J) so if I get bailed, I don't have to go to jail?
C2) yes, but you better make some phone calls. I'm giving you an hour. Go.

I quickly grab my phone and call Grayson, he doesn't answer. I check the time and it's already 12pm. SHIT. I call Anthony and still no. I can't call anyone from westlake, Bc no one will be able to bail me. Jesus, my last option is erika.

Erika's POV
I'm laying on top of bryan, and my phone rings. I notice that it's jake. Bryan notices. I quickly grab it and answer while bryan is playing with my hair.

J) hey erika *sighs*
E) you okay?
J) by chance can you stop by at the station? I got arrested.
J) please?
E) fine, I'll be there in 10.

I look at Bryan, and he seems confused.

E) jake just got fucking arrested.
J) for what?
E) I have no clue.
J) well why does he need you? Doesn't he have other friends?
E) because he knows I'm the only one who will bail him out.

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