Chapter 7

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E) I like you too *smiles*

Erika's POV
I wrap my legs around jake, and hug him. I kiss him slowly, and I pull back breaking the kiss.

J) what about Bryan? *sighs*
E) oh shit *tears up*

Jakes POV
I grab Erika's hand, and we walk out of the bathroom. We have all of the same classes together, so we walk to 1st period math together. We unlink our hands when we see Bryan.


Erika walks over and sits next to me. She looks worried.

J) hey you okay?
E) yeah. I hope you don't mind, I'm meeting Bryan out at the football field.
J) text me if you need me *smiles*

Erika's POV
I slowly walk out to the football field. I spot bryan on the bleachers so I sit next to him. He doesn't look up at me.

B) Erika *sighs*
E) Bryan what's wrong?
B) I saw that story of jake.

My heart drops, I knew it.

E) *sighs* what's your point?
B) I watched you two walk into the teachers bathroom earlier *gets pissed*
E) Bry-
B) how could you? *tears up*
E) you know what bryan? How many times have you cheated on me? How many times have you physically abused me? How many times have you mentally abused me? How many times have you had sex in my room with some hoe??
B) *gets pissed*
E) we're done. At least jake can treat me better than you've ever treated me.

As I walk away, Bryan twists my wrist. I turn around and he slaps me. I pull on his arm to get away. I loosen his grip, and I run to the cafeteria in tears. As I run through to get to the bathrooms, jake notices me. He runs after me and follows me into the bathroom. He quickly wraps his arms around me and holds me tight. He wipes the tears off of my face, and pushes my hair off of my face. He notices the bruises on my wrist, and the red patch on my face.

J) what the hell did he do *gets pissed*
E) after I broke up with him, he grabbed my wrist then slapped me *eyes water*

Jakes POV
I can feel the anger building up inside of me. I let go of Erika and run through the cafeteria, to the football field. I notice erika, Grayson, & Anthony running after me. I see Bryan on the bleachers with his head down, and I punch him in the back of his head. He drops down, and I pick him up and shove him down the bleachers. Grayson & Anthony drags me backwards to get me off of him.

A) jake stop
G) dude CHILL

I notice bryan getting up, so I get out of graysons and Anthony's grip and I go after bryan. Bryan turns around and punches my jaw. I run after him and pin him down on the ground, throwing punches. All a sudden I feel Grayson pull me back, and Anthony holds back Bryan. I spit out blood, and I look back at erika, and she's in tears. Grayson pulls me inside, and into the hallways

G) dude chill
J) he fucking hit Erika man
G) dude, the fighting will get you kicked out of this school. Trust me, if I could I'd beat the living shit out of him too, but I can't man *sighs*
J) where's Erika?

Erika's POV
I can't believe that just happened. I see Bryan laying on the ground in pain, and Grayson took jake inside. I run inside to jake, and I run to him. I fall into his arms, and he rubs my back.

J) I'm sorry erika *sighs*
E) jake are you okay?

I see his nose is bleeding, and his face is bruised.

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