Chapter 23

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E) *smiles*
S) are you?!
E) idk *sighs*

-after school-

Erika's POV
as I walked out of the gym, everyone was staring. But then my phone started going off like crazy. I opened Instagram, and I saw someone posted a video. Of jake. I quickly watched it, and I started crying. I ran out of the school, and got into my car- not even waiting for jake.

Jakes POV
after gym, I didn't see erika. The told me to check Instagram, so I did. someone took a video of me at a party a couple nights ago. me... basically making out with another girl again- my heart dropped. I'm done with this shit. I ran to my car, and drove to Erika's house. When I arrived, the door was unlocked. She wasn't downstairs so I knocked on her room door. she didn't answer. I see it's unlocked so I slowly open it. Erika's not on her bed. So I walk towards her bathroom, with the image in my head from last time. I slowly looked in, and erika was in the shower. I sat on her bed, and when she got out she looked at me. She didn't even sit next to me. She just stared at me.

E) why are you here?
J) I'm sorry, i don't even remember that happening.
E) that's what you said last time.
J) stop fucking bringing up all the mistakes I've made.
E) well you keep on fucking making them *raises voice*

it went silent. We Just sat in silence. I look down and play with my thumbs.

J) I think I should go back to Miami
E) yeah just stay there, thanks.

She slams her door, and walks downstairs. Did she really just tell me to never come back? That hurt. I walked downstairs, and I grabbed my bag. I glanced at her, and she was crying. I went to go comfort her, but she pushed me away.

E) jake just leave.
J) erika no, I'm sorry this won't ever happen again.
E) we're done *tears up*

She gently pushes me out the door and locks it. I just stand there in shock. I start crying, and I knock on her door again. She doesn't answer.

- 4 hours later -

Erika's POV
Jake is STILL outside. I call Anthony and the girls, and they come over. I tell Anthony to tell jake to leave.

Anthony's POV
Jake is such a fuck up man. Erika asked me to have him leave. When we pulled up, he was just sitting on the steps. I wasn't even nice to the guy considering how much he has hurt my friend. I sit beside him, and I look at him.

A) jake, it's time to go.
J) i fucked up.
A) clearly. Now go.
J) Anthony-
A) stop. I'm done watching you hurt my best friend. You don't deserve her, and she doesn't deserve this.
J) I thought we wer-
A) we are, but I'm pissed at you right now.

Jake gets up, and looks at me. all a sudden he swings at me. I tackle him down and beat the shit out of him, and he got in a couple punches. Then the girls came out and starting screaming. Erika grabbed jake, and rocky grabbed me.

Erika's POV
I pulled jake back, and walked him to the end of the driveway while holding his collar. I stop, and I just stare him down. He starts to tear up, but after what he's done, I show no remorse.

J) rik-
E) don't call me that.
J) so u just don't care now?
E) you fucking cheated on me.
J) rik- *tears up*
E) I'm done with your shit. I'm done with you convincing me that you love me. I'm done with you being unloyal. Mother fucker, I know my worth. And I sure as hell don't deserve the shit you've put me through. And you don't deserve me. Who got you into a better school? Me. Who has been with you since the day we met? Me. Who supported you even when you cheated on her the first time? Me. Who loved you even when you were too busy fucking other bitches? Me. Stay the hell out of my life *yells*

All a sudden, I see anger fill his eyes.

J) I get it, I fucking fucked up again. Don't you dare say that I CONVINCED you that I loved you. If I didn't actually love you, I would've left your ass after we had sex. Did I? No.

I get filled with anger.

E) how DARE you say that to me. What did we do today & last night? We had sex. Not even 4 hours later you cheated on me?! Your a fucking douchebag. I hope you fucking know that.

He just stands there in shock. I shove him, and he walks towards me. I close the gate and lock it.

J) erika wait!

I don't even look at him.

J) erika please!

I turn and face towards him. I'm in the driveway, and he's at the end on the other side of the gate.

J) I-I love you

I flip him off, and I walk away.

So sorry for late post! It's not 9:30pm, and I just got home a bit ago. I've been at softball & my friends house all day. SORRY. I hope you enjoyed this chapter loves ❤️

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