Chapter 6

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Erika's POV
I grab Bryan's hands.

E) I'm sorry, I have to go.
B) I'll come with.
E) no, I'll see you tomorrow.
B) you sure?

I walk Bryan out, and I give him a hug. I rush to go get my keys. I quickly drive over to the station. I'm greeted by an officer.

C3) Ms. Costell?
E) yes
C3) follow me.

I walk through a bunch of hallways. I reach an office, and I see jake sitting infront of the desk.

E) what the hell did you do?
J) Erika I really need help *sighs*
E) tell me what you did.

Jakes POV
If I tell her, I'm afraid she will never talk to me again. But either way she will find out. I start to tear up.

J) drug possession *sighs*

I feel her arms wrap around me. I hug her tightly, not wanting to let go.

E) how much is the bail?
J) $5000

Erika's POV
I walk out and I find an officer. I hand him my card, and I let him do the payments. He walks back in.

C) Mr.Paul, you are required to serve a whole month of community service. if your caught & charged again, be warned your sentence will double without bail.
J) wait, what's happening to chance & Kade?

Are you serious? He got caught with his friends? I'm not bailing them out. I shouldn't have even bailed jake out, but I know how hard he's trying and I'm proud of him. I grab him by his wrist and we get into my car.

J) Thank you *smiles*
E) i want to talk to your mom.
J) noooo
E) or you can come live with me, my family is leaving tomorrow and will be in LA till May.
J) Eri-
E) No excuses. Pack your shit, you can't keep getting into trouble.

Jakes POV
After 20 mins of convincing, I convinced her to let me stay at home.

E) fine. But everyday, even on weekends, you will come to my house wether it's to hangout or study.
J) thanks erika *smiles*
E) you owe me *chuckles*

Jakes POV
Erika takes me home, and walks me in. My mom is standing in the doorway waiting.

P) where the hell have you been?
E) he got arr-
J) I fell asleep while studying at Riks house *smiles*

-the next day-

Erika's POV
I wake up, and my phone is flooded with notifications. My texts are everyone sending me a video of someone Snapchat story. I open it up, and it's jake.

The video:
?) hey jake, you got a girlfriend?
J) nah *smiles*
?) you got a crush? *laughs*
J) hell YEAAAH
?) who is she?
J) ErIka CoStElL *smiles*

Omg. He was clearly drunk, and that video was filmed by his brother last night. I keep rewatching the video over & over. My eyes start to water. He actually has a crush on me? What if bryan saw this? I get my stuff ready and go to school. I walk right past jake, and he notices. I go straight to Bryan. He ignores me.

E) hey babe.
B) ...
E) you ok?
B) meet me at the football field at lunch. We need to talk.

He slams his locker shut, and walks away. My eyes start to tear up. I walk over to Jake, and he notices my red eyes.

J) what's wrong??
E) nothing, let's go *tears up*

Jakes POV
I pull her into the teachers bathroom and locks the door. I put her up on the counter and wipes her tears. I pull her body close to mine and hugs her.

J) Erika whats wrong?
E) I think bryan saw that story *sighs*
J) what story?
E) the one of you.

what the hell, he posted that? This can't be happening right now. I feel so embarrassed.

J) I-I I'm sorry. I was drunk *sighs*
E) sureee *smiles*
J) eri-
E) do you actually like me though?

I freeze. I do like her. But I don't know how to tell her that. I answer her question, and my eyes immediately look at the ground.

J) yeah *sighs*
E) well guess what
J) wha-

erika pulls my face closer to hers. She presses her lips against mine. I kiss her back. She breaks the kids and pulls me into a hug. She wraps her legs around my torso.


Hey guys! A quick disclaimer. For drug and possession, you'd serve much more time. And service may not even be an option for that. But for the sake of the book, that'll be Jakes sentence. So please keep in mind, any charges jake gets in this book aren't realistic. I hope you guys are enjoying my first book of 2020. I haven't written fanfics since August 2018 and it feels good to be back.

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