|7| Swordsmen Accompanying a Demon

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The next day came and it was the start of their first mission as official Demon Slayers. Their uniforms arrived and the measurements are as exact as they wanted it to be. They both got dressed into those uniforms, with the kanji word on the back of the uniform that says Destroy on it. They even put on their signature haoris.

"Have you both gotten changed?" Urokodaki asked as he watched them changed.

"Yes./Yeah." They said with a straight face. They shifted themselves just so that they are right in front of Urokodaki. Tanjiro is dressed in the official black Demon Slayer uniform in a slightly dark red tint. As for BoBoiBoy, his uniform is in a slightly yellow tint version of the uniform itself.

As he took a bit of a moment to look at himself, he glanced at himself as this uniform is much more comfortable than the clothes he wore and his TAPOPS uniform. He much prefer such roomy clothing just so there is more leverage in his movements while in battle. Even so, it's not the best looking design out there but hey, he can't judge over the simple things, can he?

Urokodaki nodded as he looked over to their new attire. And also, Nezuko crawls under her bedsheet to see Tanjiro and BoBoiBoy in their new Demon Slayer uniforms. Her eyes gave a beam as she saw how cool they look.

BoBoiBoy heard her crawling from her room and he gave a side grin at her way.

'Wow. I think I'm starting to like having this keen sense of hearing! The training really paid off big time!' He cheered internally. Having an enhanced sense was barely a surprising news to him because of his training with Tanjiro. He was fortunate to have this ability.

"Tanjiro, BoBoiBoy..." Urokodaki gestured for the two of them to sit down.

"Now that you're starting out with the Demon Slayer Corps, I'd like to explain a few things to you both." He waited for their response.

"Right." They said and paid close attention to the old man.

"The Demon Slayer Corps outfit you're both wearing right now; It's made of a special kind of fiber. The fabric is quite breathable, yet it repels moisture and won't burn easily. A low-level demon's talons or fangs couldn't even manage to tear that uniform." Urokodaki stated.

"It's that strong?" Tanjiro said as he slightly pulled his uniform to see how durable it was.

"I see. No wonder it's quite comfy on the inside and smooth on the outside."  BoBoiBoy commented.

"Also," He wasn't done yet. "Those Nichirin Swords... The color varies from owner to owner, and each hue has unique properties. But since not many people end up with black or white blades, little is known about them. So little, in fact, that—"

Tanjiro interrupted him. "So little is known that... What, Mr. Urokodaki?"

"Since so little is known about them, black blades are said to be wielded by swordsmen who'll never go far." Urokodaki said.

BoBoiBoy raises his hand. "Wait a second. What about my blade? What does the white hue mean anyway?"

Since he asked that particular question about his blade's unusual color, Urokodaki went silent for a few moments before answering to him this.

"Sadly, I don't think that's an abnormal colour for a sword like yours. If anything, it may be on par with the black blade in terms of its uniqueness in rarity." Urokodaki answered honestly. BoBoiBoy nodded but didn't understand it completely.

"So... my sword is kinda not normal unlike Tanjiro's black blade?" BoBoiBoy pushed more questions directly to him. To what he said about the white sword's uniqueness intrigued BoBoiBoy to no extent. If he received something that is positive, he's pretty much a lucky person to have a white hue sword.

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