|31| Tsuguko, Kanao Tsuyuri

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The next morning, Tanjiro and BoBoiBoy resumed their training once again to master their Total Concentration, Constant. This repeated pattern became a daily routine for them.

BoBoiBoy continued meditating on top of the rooftop once again without his top uniform on. Since the day is flaring humid in this current season, he can't sweat enough with a shirt on.

With carpet beaters on Tanjiro's arms, he requested the nurses' help.

"Naho! Kiyo! Sumi!" The mentioned trio turned to see Tanjiro holding the carpet beaters on his arms.

"I'd like you to help me train. If I stop doing Total Concentration Breathing while I'm asleep, can you clobber me with these carpet beaters?" Tanjiro asked.

The young nurses were a bit reluctant to accept. They didn't want to hurt him for the purpose of him training.

"Please help me!"

Once he bowed to them, they were surprised by his passion and agreed to help him.

"Very well!" They said simultaneously.

"Thank you!" Tanjiro smiled.

Meanwhile, on the rooftop, BoBoiBoy heard about the part where they will clobber him with the carpet beaters as part of his training and he sweatdropped from that. After he had relay Shinobu's story to Tanjiro, he is already dead set in mastering it quickly even doing so far as to do it while sleeping.

'I guess it's a good idea. But at the same time, maybe not.' He thought as he recalled doing the same as well. The outcome didn't planned really well for him.

'Other than that, I need to find a way to master my Total Concentration, Constant right away. It'll be faster if I use my Triple or Penta Split while sleeping...'

As soon as he thought if that, he had a breakthrough.

'Wait! That's it!' He cheered mentally. It would cost him his stamina but it would worthwhile. He waited until tonight to get down with his new method.

It's as he planned. Earth, Wind, and Lightning were lying down in their separate beds in their ward including Tanjiro. Each are focusing on with their breathing in full concentration. So far, it's been effective for the three BoBoiBoys and Tanjiro. They're doing it all they can to fully master Total Concentration, Constant.

Naho, Kiyo, and Sumi were keeping their eye on them if any of them started to doze off and put to slumber.

"It's all good, right?" Naho whispered.

"They're doing a great job!" Kiyo cheered a bit quietly.

"Yes!" Sumi said.

All goes well for the boys, until Tanjiro and Wind had dozed off and begins sleeping. This prompted them to hit their carpet beaters to their targets.

"AAAAAAACCCKKKKK!" They gasped out in pain.

'So much for that...' Lightning thought before focusing back once more.

"Spinless fool..." Tanjiro referred to himself. "Please let me try again!"

"I'll do better next time!" Wind declared, looking fired up than before.

"Okay!" The nurses complied.

The commotion they're making had woken up Zenitsu while Inosuke basically ignore what's happening and continued to sleep.

With that said, both of them gone back to their training. It wasn't a full minute when Lightning began to snore along with Tanjiro. Again, the nurses beat them with the carpet beaters. It earned them screams of pain.

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