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"General Organa." I greeted as I walked through the door the blonde seemed to just have come out of. BB-8 whirred into the room, rolling up to the General and beeping his own greeting.

"Commander Dameron, BB-8. What's the status on the malfunctioning X-wing? I assume it's being worked on?"

"Yes General, I just finished up on it this morning. I'll take it on a test run later today, but should be as good as new." I informed her while leaning against the giant table that took up much of the room, an accomplished look on my face..

"I figured that's where you have been, considering the giant smudge on your face," she said with a smirk.

"Wha-?" I walked over to the glass looking out over the hangar. In my reflection I could see a dark streak from the top of my cheek bone to the side of my nose. I took out a rag to wipe it away, cursing. "Sheesh buddy, you could've let me know that was there." The droid all but laughed at me.

I then realized that I had that on me while I was speaking to the woman who, now unfortunately, didn't take out the annoying little sphere.

I was struck at how beautiful she was. Her golden hair fell down her back in loose waves as she recovered from the almost-collision. The heels she wore accentuated her long legs that were showing from her mid-length skirt. When I got closer, I could see that her eyes were a deep, forest green that stood out against her lightly tanned complexion, the faintest of freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks like constellations.

... And she had literally looked right past me, seemingly charmed by BB-8's antics.

"By the way, what was the commotion you were making out in the hall?" General Organa asked while peering down him.

BB-8 recounted about the pretty girl that almost ran him over, and the General laughed, shaking her head. It didn't go unnoticed to me how her eyes had warmed at the mention of the girl.

"She's always rushing somewhere," I heard her say under her breath.

"Who was that, General? She almost owed me a new unit." I asked, trying not to sound too interested in the answer.

"That was Dr. Dreis. She runs the medical wing. I'm surprised you haven't had to pay her a visit with your recklessness," she said while giving me a knowing look.

"Nah, I usually get patched up by one of the nurs- wait, Dreis? Any relation to Commander Dreis?"

"Commander Dreis was her uncle, yes. His brother Evan was her father, also an extremely skilled pilot."

I sat there slack-jawed. This woman, Dr. Dreis, is the niece of one of the piloting legends I had heard stories about my entire life. Commander Dreis was responsible for Luke Skywalker successfully destroying the first DeathStar in the Battle of Yavin. He had led Darth Vader away from the ship, giving the rebel fighters a chance to destroy it, but losing his life in the process. One hell of a pilot, who died for the Resistance.

A laugh brought me out of my thoughts as  General Organa picked up a stack of papers from the table. "I have to make my way to a meeting with the Vice Admiral. Report back after you take the X-wing out." She walked towards the open door, leaving me to digest the new information. BB-8 rolled into the side of my leg and looked up at me.

"Yeah I know. Let's get back out there." The droid and I made our way back to the hangar and prepared to fly. All the while, I couldn't get the thought of those green eyes out of my head.

CONSTELLATIONS | Poe DameronOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz