Support (Spidermom)

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Requested by MarvelObsessedgirl3:

"Please do another chapter with Natasha and Peter! Maybe something a bit darker, like self harm or suicidal thoughts?? I think you'd write it really well x"

**This one is finally out. I know my timing with requests is somewhat erratic, but I just wanted to let you guys know - if you do request something like this, it'll probably take longer than my usual. This is because a) I've never had suicidal or self-harm tendencies so I try to google things to make sure I'm not horrifically misrepresenting mental illness and b) I try not to get too deep in my sad feelings so I take more breaks than usual writing them. I definitely don't mind writing them though! I wanted to clarify tho.

**Also, I've been reading lots of politics lately because I was filling out my ballot (mailed it in today). Because of that, I kept writing Trump tower instead of Stark tower. I think I fixed all of them but please let me know if not.

Peter unfolded himself from his crouched position as he slowly stood up. The wind whipping around him was frigid and his skin had long since gone numb, but he couldn't find the effort to care. The only reason he was moving at all is because Aunt May would be home soon and he didn't want her to know he was gone.

"I'm sorry." He rearranged the flowers one last time before sparing one last glance at the stone. Benjamin Parker. The name didn't seem to fit. The etching was formal and grey and gloomy - nothing like how Peter remembered his uncle.

The physical reminder the man he remembered was gone forever created a lump in the teen's throat and for the umpteenth time, he struggled to keep tears from falling. 

He just barely managed to open his textbook and slide into his desk chair by the time May came looking at him for dinner. The pasta dish that he usually loved looked unappetizing. Lifting the fork to his mouth was a chore and he only had a few bites before thanking his aunt and excusing himself.

He went to bed early that night, but he couldn't sleep until a few hours before he had to be awake again.

"I want homework in the box by the door. I'll be collecting it in five minutes, anything after that gets no credit."

Peter mechanically unzipped his bag and pulled out his binder. He turned to the right section and it was...empty? He flipped through the rest of his binder and sure enough, the homework wasn't there. He had forgotten to do it while lying in his bed. He never forgot to do class assignments.

He slumped back in his chair, the consuming numbness he had felt waking up more noticeable as he frowned at his stupid mistake. It was not going to be a good day. Every second of class seemed to grate on his nerves. Writing hurt his hand and he couldn't listen for more than a few minutes at a time.

"Hey, Pete, we're gonna go find somewhere to eat with good wifi so we can check out that new computer game everyone's been raving about!" Ned loudly invited his friend to hang out.

"I just want to see how kickass the female lead is." MJ smirked and gestured, expecting Peter to follow.

Peter shook his head. "Sorry guys, I have plans with Aunt May. I'll see you around."

They both seemed a bit confused - usually Aunt May was around when Peter got home, but went to work shortly after. Having plans with her was unusual. They shrugged and accepted it though, quickly saying their goodbyes and then excitedly rushing to get in a car and head off.

Peter trudged home.

"How was your day sweetheart?"


"Are you feeling okay?"


May made a disapproving face. "Alright, go sleep off the attitude."

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