5 Times the Avengers Discovered Peter Could Sing + 1 Time They Already Knew

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***Requested by SnowMione18
Can you do a one shot about the avengers team finding out that Peter can sing or something? Like they catch him singing in the music room, and he is amazing. They then confront him about it.

One of the only memories Peter still had of his mother was her singing. She would sing beautifully and loudly, audible through the shower walls. She would sing to him comfortingly as he laid in bed. She would sing excitedly as Peter's father twirled her round in the living room. She even hummed happily as she did household chores.

When Aunt May and Uncle Ben took him in, Aunt May would try to sing him to sleep in an effort to ease his pain. Even though her voice was not nearly as practiced and smooth, she tried her hardest once she saw Peter sobbing into his pillow over missing his mother's voice.

And Peter sang with her. It made them feel close to his mother. May would always run her fingers through his hair and tell him how his voice was as lovely as his mother's. Even while he was doing schoolwork, he would involuntarily strike up a tune over his desk. Secretly, he sang while he flung around the city. The exhilaration made the music burst from his chest, freer than ever. The wind erased the sound from prying ears, leaving only his raw emotions and the New York skyline.

So when he started spending more time with the Avengers, it was bound to come up:


It was the eve of the anniversary of his parents death. Peter sat in the cushioned nook, pressing his face against the cold glass pane of the bay window.

He never knew how to handle the day. He felt sad, but it was nothing like the consuming sorrow that overcame him when Ben's death date came around. He was too young to remember his parents too well, but he felt incredibly guilty that he could be sad and functional on the day that he died. What kind of son wasn't a sobbing mess on the date of their parents death?

He sang to the New York lights below him, melancholic stories of his sins confessed to the uncritical void of the city.

Bruce had been working late in the lab when he heard the sound of singing from the floor above. He paused his procedure to stop and listen for a while, moved by the intense sentiment weaves into the melody. It was so vulnerable and open, so sad. It made Bruce's heart pain in sympathy and understanding.

He listened intently as he climbed the stairway, assuming that the music was something Steve or Bucky had left on before heading to bed. It was clearly different from Tony's rock, and the spy twins were more headphones type of people.

When he reached the hallway, he stilled. That voice was not a recording - it was Peter.

Bruce held his place several feet away, deciding whether or not to alert Peter to his presence. The moment seemed intimate so he stayed where he was, enchanted by Peter's song. Eventually, the teenager noticed him.

"Bruce? I didn't think anyone else would be up so late."

"That's your first mistake. Never expect anything about the sleep schedules of everyone living in this tower. They're never as predictable as you'd think." Bruce tried to joke, but it sounded strained and out of place.

Peter smiled but it was weak and faded quickly.

"Having trouble sleeping?"

Peter nodded solemnly.

"Do you want to talk about it, be distracted from it, or just sit with some company?"

Peter appreciated the gesture more than he could express. "I'm probably going to be up for a while. Are you sure you want to-?"

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