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*Harrys P.O.V.*

She accepted it. I sighed with relief. "You won't regret it. I promise." I kissed her cheek and ran off to my car to plan the best date ever.

*Katherines P.O.V.*

I argued with Dianna the rest of the way home. We argued about the date with Harry that I'm now going on.. I really REALLY don't want to go on this date with him. Why did I even give in? I can already tell that it'll be the worst night ever...

Dianna snapped me out of my horror trance when she said, "We have to pick out the best outfit. You already agreed to go. You have to look your cutest. I mean, if you plan on breaking his heart, at least look extra beautiful for the guy. Its the least you can do." I groaned. "Whatever. But you have to pick it out. I don't even care about this 'date' I have. I only did it to get him off my back." She shakes her head in disgust. "I can't believe you. HARRY STYLES and you won't even give him a slight chance. Unbelievable." She shakes her head again and starts going through my clothes. "Whatever Dianna. I don't like him... Just accept that..." I threw myself on my bed and groaned.


He called me at around 12:30 pm. "I'm outside your house... Don't think I'm a stalker or something... Dianna told me where it was." I just said "Okay" and hung up. I rolled my eyes, checked myself in the mirror one last time, and walked out.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

When she walked outside my mouth dropped. She looked absolutey stunning. She got in the car. "Hey gorgeous." I said and smiled. She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Hey harry." She scowled. I laughed at her bitterness. "So, are you ready to fall in love with me?"


*Katherines P.O.V.*

I rollled my eyes at him. Am I ready to fall in love with him? Puhlease. "Oh yes. I'm sooooo ready to fall in love with you." I say sarcastically. He just laughed and starting driving till we reached our destination. The theater. Not like a movie theater but a real live play theater. He looks at me. "We're here to watch my favorite play. Cats." I looked at him funny. "Cats?" I asked. Wow. He liked that? Nice... "Yes cats. I've watched this play since I was little. It makes me happy." he said simply. I laughed a little. It was half real and half pity. All of a sudden, he got this look on his face and said "Wow." I looked at him confused... "wow what?"

*Harrys P.O.V.*

When she smiled, it took my breath away. "Wow." I said breathless. She said, "Wow what?" "Your smile... It took my breath away..." I look at her before i quickly turned around and started walking towards the theater. I blushed. It slipped out. I kept walking with out really looking back, hopping she caught the hint and would follow.

*Katherines P.O.V.*

I roll my eyes and follow him into the theater. Wow. I can't believe he said THAT. It was so sweet... wait what? It wasn't sweet. I hate him. Nothing he says or does is sweet. I shook my head. I sigh. Do I like him already? No. I can't. Do i?

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