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A/N: Starting from this chapter and foward, Kat and Harry arnt the only P.O.V.s you'll be seeing...

Look out for Liams in this chapter ;)

Peace, Love, and Vote man.

-Love M.Styles :)


*Kats P.O.V.*

I sat on the couch wanting to cry in pain. I held my head, it was pounding. Nothing was going right, right now. I hear Austin's voice and wince. I dont know what he said or who he was talking to, but I immediatey froze. I looked around silently but he wasn't there. No one was in sight. Where was he? Who was he talking to? Probably Chase.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

"Oh well. Nice to meet you Austin. My buddy is on his way. Mind if I use your restroom?" I asked. He nodded and showed me the way. I followed. I went into the restroom and got a text from Liam.

"Whr r u again?" He asked.

I texted him back, telling him the address again. He texted back immediately.

"Get out NOW. That's whr the investigators traced the tweets from."

I froze when I read it. I reread it to make sure I wasn't delusional. That meant... Kat was here... I opened the door and Austin was standing there with a knife. "Going somewhere, curls?"

*Kats P.O.V.*

I was getting the pain in my stomach again. I couldn't get up so I yelled for chase. "Chase!" I whined. The pain was killing me. I kept thinking of Austin. All the painful memories. When he beat me, hurt me, and one time, almost cut me. Tears started falling from my eyes. I couldn't hold them back anymore. It was too painful. I called his name again, hoping he would come.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I froze. "Hey... please. Ill give you what you want... but please... just let her go..." I said, trying to back up slowly. But where would I go? The only thing behind me was the odd windowless restroom behind me. He laughed evily. He grabbed me in a somewhat chokehold with the knife positioned at my neck. "Just sit here pretty boy." He pushed me on the couch then called for someone named Chase, to come here. "Keep this knife at his neck. I don't want to let him go. It'll be more money we can get from them filthy British boys. One Way or whatever they're called." He barked at Chase. Chase nodded and looked at me with pleading eyes as if to say he was sorry.

*Kats P.O.V.*

It was about five minutes and no response from Chase. I guess he left. "Austin?" I asked hopelessly and loudly. At this point, I didn't care who came to help me. The pain was excruciating. I sit up, groaning in pain. I need to get these ice packs off of me before Austin gets suspicious. But I can't move. Itll hurt to much. Just sitting up hurt like hell. I can't, and don't, want to imagine what walking will be like...


*Liam P.O.V.*

I sat in the cop car, and watched as they surrounded the house. Two stressful days of looking for Kat and now Harry was stuck in there too. Niall was sitting in the other cop car, biting his nails. We we're nervous. We didn't know what would happen. We just hoped they would come out alive at the least. A tear fell down my face, thinking of them being dead. I shook my head and crossed my arms, as I sat silently in the passenger seat, waiting....

*Kats P.O.V.*

I leaned my head back against the couch and sighed. Where is everybody? Are they still here? I didn't hear the door shut. Another tear fell from my eyes. I quickly wiped it away. I wasn't going to cry over the past. I stopped thinking about him. Austin. The person that haunted all of my nightmares. The person who I thought cared about me, but was l pretending the whole time... I was suffering so much because of him and he didn't care. Hell. He doesn't even care about chase. Chase didn't want to do this. He doesn't want any part of this. Austin did all of this. He caused all this pain, he was the reason for everyone suffering. He was the devil. He had no heart, no soul, no feelings for others. I don't know why he hates me. I just don't.

*Harry P.O.V.*

I sat nervously while chase sat with the knife near my neck. Austin was in the restroom. Chase whispered, "Look man. I'm sorry. He threatened to kill my family. I have a little boy. I couldn't let him. Im so sorry." I nodded and took a deep breath. I looked right at Austin when he walked out the restroom. "Why do you have that look on your face? Here let me wipe it off for you." He rose his fist and right at it made contact with my nose, the doors busted open and I seen tons of cops come in with guns. "DROP THE WEAPONS NOW. HANDS IN THE AIR, GET ON THE GROUND!" Chase dropped the knife and dropped to the floor. Austin looked at them, angry that they just busted his front door in. Them coming in didn't stop him from punching me until I was unconscious...

*Kats P.O.V.*

I closed my eyes for one second and then BAM! I hear the doors but open and cops yelling. My eyes flash open and I look to see them. I sit up as fast as I could. It hurt like hell. I groaned in pain. This is probably more painful then giving birth. A tear fell from my eyes and started going down my cheek as I screamed in pain. I don't know what was wrong. I felt my insides turn. It hurt so much. I couldn't help but cry some more.

*Liams P.O.V.*

The cops pulled the two guys out in hand cuffs and drove them away. I ran inside. I heard crying from upstairs. I found Kat crying in pain. She was hurt, all bruised up and bloodied. I carried her down stairs and told the cops, "Call the ambulance, NOW." They nodded and I sat Kat on a nearby chair. Niall came up and kneeled beside me. "Stay with her Niall. I have to find Haz." I stood up and looked around. I almost tripped over something. I looked down and there he was, laying in a pool of blood.


*Liams P.O.V.*

I dropped to my knees and panicked. I started crying without realizing it. I picked his head up in my arms. "Oh my goodness. Haz. Harry. Oh my goodness. I think he's dead." I sobbed. I heard groaning and looked back down. Harrys eyes opened a bit. "I'm not dead liam. I'm tough." He said weakly. He lightly patted my arm before passing out again. The paramedics came in and took them both out on stretchers. I stood up and watched them leave. Niall came up to me and hugged me. "It'll be alright. They're alive." I hugged him back tightly and cried on his shoulder. They were alright. But the stress finally made me crack and I started crying on his shoulder.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I was put onto a stretcher and rushed to the hospital. I needed to see Harry and the lads. I wanted to know that all of them were okay and that they knew I was okay. Niall was with me for part of the time. I saw Liam but not the others. What about Harry? Does he know that I'm okay? He must be worried sick! Another huge pain came to my stomach. I groaned. I couldn't speak at all. I was in so much pain...

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I woke up in a hospital bed. Where was Kat? Was she okay? How long have I been out? I sat up, but laid back down because my head was dizzy. Liam looked up from the chair he was sitting in. He looked terrible, with bags under his eyes. "Hey Haz. How do you feel?" he asked. I groaned and looked at him. "I feel dizzy and my face hurts. Is anything broken?" I asked. Liam shook his head. "No. You just got bruises." I sighed. "What about Kat?" He shook his head again. "She has a bruised up face and something happened to her when she was hit in the stomach. They don't know what it is yet..." He looked down before he slowly said, "He beat her Harry." My hands balled into fists and a tear rolled down my face. My kitty Kat was hurt and I needed to be with her...

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