Chp. 31

5.6K 32 7


Really. 44k? You tryna give me a stroke? ok.

Sorry this ones a bit short.

Dont hate me.

You can't hate me.

*Badum tss*



Comment and vote. its greatly appreciated man.

-Love, M.Styles c:


*Harrys P.O.V.*

She rolled her eyes and smiled. She stopped dancing and walked over to the bar to get another drink. I watched her before followed her myself. I leaned against the counter and waited. My phone kept going off from texts from the boys, so I started reading and replying to them. I looked up at Kat who was taking sips from her drink.

"I'm going to the bathroom. Stay here ."

She nodded and took another sip. I looked at the bartender and motioned for him to come here.

"Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't move." I said, slipping him some money.

He smiled and nodded, tucking the money in his shirt pocket. I remembered what happened last time I went to the restroom, leaving her alone. I wasn't going to let that happen again. I finished quickly and walked out the restroom, just in time to see a guy walk up to Kat. I was too far away to hear what he was saying, but from the looks of his face, he was on the hunt to take MY kitty Kat home with him. I tried walking faster but people dancing got in my way. I was getting closer, i could see them better. The guy was saying something in her ear and she was laughing and flirting. It infuriated me. Why wasn't she telling him to leave? Why was she leaning in to hear him better. I started pushing people out of my way to get there quicker, not really caring about the pissed off looks and the curse words I was receiving.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I leaned my elbows on the bar table and sighed. I was bored. I wanted to dance. Where was Harry? I fiddled with the straw in my drink when a really hot guy walked up to me and started whispering dirty things in my ear. It tickled and I started laughing at what he said. He took that as a good thing and started writing his number down on a napkins and slid it to me. He winked. "Call me sometimes, babe." He said and started whispering more dirty things in my ear. I started to get turned on by his words, and I started leaning in closer when someone walked in between us.

"Excuse me. Mind backing off my girl?"

Said a very pissed off Harry. I tried to look at him with apologetic eyes. He ignored it. I guess, i just, sorta forgot about him. Maybe it was the alcohol. Woops... I got carried away...

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I shook my head at her. I was disgusted with her right now. I looked back at the big guy standing in front of me and glared, waiting for him to walk away.

"Well. She didn't mind it. I guess YOU just aint doing your job right." He slurred a little, before leaning over and winking at her. That pushed my anger to the fullest. Without thinking, I punched him once and he knocked out and fell to the floor. I shook my hand and turned to glare at Kat. "You can stay with this guy. Go home with him. I guess I'm not fulfilling enough." I scoffed and stormed off, not looking back.


I would have already been out of the club if it wernt for all the people dancing drunkly. I looked over my shoulder and Kat was still by the bar. Guess she made her decision. The guys words kept running through my head.

"Guess you aint doing your job right....aint doing your job right..."

I shook the thought and kept walking. All it was doing was making me more angry.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I stood there, not able to move. I starred at him in disbelief. What just happened?! One minute we were having a great time, and the next, he's knocking some guy out and walking away. I didn't want him to leave me. But I couldn't move. I didn't know what was wrong with me. Suddenly, my legs gave out and I dropped to my knees. I started crying in the bar. IN A BAR for christ sakes. How pathetic. But I couldn't help it. I needed him. I still couldn't move. It was like I was glued there.

*Harrys P.O.V *

Halfway to the door, I turned around, for who knows what reason, and she was gone. I was still pissed of course, but considering that I almost lost her for good, not even a week ago, I started to panic. I ran back to her as fast as I could and found her, on her knees, crying by the guy. So was this really who she wanted? It didn't make sense to me yet my heart still hurt. I grabbed the napkin he slid her from the counter, then grabbed her hand. I helped her up and then pushed our way out of the club. When we got outside, I let go of her hand. She still had tears in her eyes. We got in the car and I drove her to her house instead of mine, the entire car way silent except for the sound of her sniffing and the leather squeaking of me gripping on to my steering wheel. I pulled up into her driveway. "Here... for when he wakes up..." I handed her the napkin. I didn't look at her though. I was still confused, disgusted, and hurt. Why was she flirting back? Did she want to leave me? Was i really unfulfilling?

She grabbed it out of my hand and got out the car and slammed the door. I involuntarily got out too and followed her.

*Kats P.O.V*

I wiped away some of my tears so I could see what he handed me. I laughed bitterly and crumpled it, dropping it on the floor. "I don't want this!" I yelled. He scoffed. "Well it sure looked like it." He shook his head in what looked like disgust. "Oh, okay. Whatever. So you want me to call him?!" I asked sassily. I straightened up, wiped more tears and crossed my arms. He shook his curls.

"You can't. He's knocked out."

He said with a straight face. I rolled my eyes. Now really wasnt the time for his smart ass comments. "Harry. I'm not going to call him..." I said, newly fresh tears started falling and I wiped them. He kept his head towards the floor but looked up at me.

"Why not? He's what you want, right?"

"When did i ever say that?" I asked confused.

"You were flirting back! I would never... I wouldve told them to go away!" He stopped talking before his voice got any louder. He pursed his lips, shook his head and turned around, contemplating something before walking back to his car. This time, I ran after him. "What the fuck, Harry?! Oh, what? Now laughing is considered flirting?!" I asked, trying to get him to look at me, but he wouldn't. All he did was scoff and look anywhere but at me.

"You know what?! Just leave. Go. LEAVE! I don't care anymore. Because its over." I turned around and stormed back to my house.

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