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*Harrys P.O.V.*

We got home and went inside. "So... what do you want to do?" I smiled cheekily. "Harry, I'm tired." She whined. I sighed. "Okey. I'm just going to take a shower then." I put the keys on the counter and walked to the bathroom. I got in there and started undressing. I thought the day over. She surprised me by thanking the boys. It made me love her even more, if that was possible. I heard her humming loudly, so I put a towel around my waist and walked to the livingroom. "I thought you were going to sleep?" I asked. "I'm exhausted tired, not sleepy tired silly." She smiled, leaning her head back in the couch. "Oh. Well, do you wanna come take a shower with me?" I asked. She groaned. "Fine." I smiled and walked back to the shower. "See you there." I yelled back. She rolled her eyes. It was a while before she came in, so she scared me when she got in. I forgot I had invited her. I started laughing. "Hey babe." "Hey curly," she said and kissed me. I smiled. "Hmm, I like this look on you." I looked her naked body up and down and started laughing at myself. She laughed sarcastically. "Whatever." She rolled her eyes. I smiled and kissed her. The water running made my curls stick to my forehead. I shook them and laughed some more.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I giggled, "Stop splashing me with your hair!" I say playfully. He stopped. He grabbed the shampoo and put some in his hair too make it look like he had a mowhawk. He started acting like he was playing an air guitar. I scrunched up my nose and and covered my eyes. "Stop it!" He laughed and grabbed my hands and moved them from my eyes.


"Its embarrassing!" I say and cover my eyes again.

He laughed and grabbed both my wrists and put them over my head. He kissed me and we started making out. I was trying to get out of his grip, I wanted to move my.hands around too. I bit his lip trying to get him to let me go. I didn't mean to bite him that hard, but he started bleeding.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

"OW, Shit." I let go and got out the shower to find a towel to put on my lip. "What were you trying to do? Did you not want to kiss me!?!" I said through the towel, making my voice muffled. I stood there, mad, in pain, and horny all at the same time.

"I wanted you to let go of me. I didn't mean to hurt you. Here, let me see." She turned the water off, got out and removed the towel from my lip. The cold air stung, causing me to wince. "Sorry Curly. I didn't mean to." She looked at me concerned. I shrug. "Its okay." I dried my hair and walked to my room naked. She grabbed a towel, wrapped it around herself and followed. I threw on some boxers and laid on my bed, spread out and put one arm over my eyes. "What's wrong?" She sighed and sat next to me. I didn't want to tell her that I felt like... Like I was the only one that wanted her. Like she didn't want me back. It made me feel like a perv. And it was kind of embarrassing. I peeked at her from under my arm. "Nothing. My lip hurts." She pouts. "I'm sorry about that." I sat up with my elbows. "Don't pout. I'm not blaming you. I wouldn't want to kiss me either." I glared at her before I laid back down and threw my arm back over my face.


*Kats P.O.V.*

"Wait, what?" I move his arm from his face and look him in the eyes. "What?" He looked back at me. "Why would you think that I don't want to kiss you?" I asked. "I dont know. You bit me." He stared at me a bit. "Arghhh. I just want you right now." He said, throwing his arm right back over his eyes. I groaned and laid on his chest. "Why are you groaning?" He asked, stroking my hair. "I'm tired." I sighed. "Then go to sleep." He said simply. I smile and lean up to kiss him. I laid back on his chest and slowly fell asleep. I giggled in my sleep. I was having a funny dream about Niall and Harry in the park.


*Harrys P.O.V.*

I couldn't sleep so I watched her sleep. Even though I felt like, she didn't want me. I still wanted her forever. I loved her. I smiled. I wonder what she was dreaming about. She was laughing and mumbling in her sleep. I laughed quietly. I turned off the t.v. and went to sleep myself. But instead of a good dream, or no dream, I had a nightmare. I was shooken awake. I sat up. quickly and looked around. It was morning. Kat was staring at me with a worried face. I realized it was only a dream and sighed.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I felt Harry tense up. For some reason it woke me up. He looked worried and upset when he slept. I thought he was having a nightmare so I shook him awake. He sat up and looked around. He looked at me.

"Whats wrong?"

"You looked like you were having a nightmare. I was worried." I said and sighed of relief.

"Oh yeah... I was... it was horrid." He said, smiling a bit. "But i guess it was nothing."

I smiled and brushed my hand on his face. "It was a dream." He smiled back at me. "I hope so." "What was it about?" I asked. He shook his curls. "Its kind of silly that it was my nightmare. It just scared me." He thought about it before he continued. "Ehrm so basically. Long story short, you refused to make love with me again, then you got bored of me and left me and then I was depressed, I dropped out of the band and then I woke up..." he trailed off. "Aw, thats never going to happen. You know that I love you." I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him. He kissed me back. "I love you more." He pulled back. "Ow, my lip..."

"I'm so sorry about that! Are you okay?" I asked. He smiled. "Just kidding, it doesn't hurt that bad anymore..." he grabbed my face and kissed me again. I push him off of me. "You asshole!" I yell playfully. He pretended like his feelings were hurt. "I am not!" He stood up and shook his butt at me. "Under these boxers is an asshole." He started laughing hard. He laid back on the bed and held his stomach while he laughed. I smiled and shook my head at him immaturity. But it made him, him.


*Harrys P.O.V.*

"Oh my god Harry! You are so dumb!" She said as she hit me on the leg. I smiled at her. "Oh well." I pinched her leg. "Do you got anything planned for today? Do you want to go out somewhere?" She shrugged. "Nope. I don't care what we do. As long as I'm with you." She said. She rubbed her leg where I pinched her. "And that hurt!" She whined. I smiled at her. "So we can stay here?" I raised my eyebrows at her and laughed. I pulled her leg until it was next to my face. I kissed her leg, or, her thigh really. "Aw, poor baby kitty Kat. Did I hurt you?" I kissed her leg again. She pouted and nodded making a puppy dog face.

"You hurt me."

"Aw my poor baby." I laughed and lightly kissed up and down her leg.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I giggle and glare at him when he kissed too far up my leg. I hit him on the head playfully. "Bad, curly!" I giggle again. He pouts at me innocently. "Kitty Kat doesn't like that?" He started doing it again. I bite my lip then hit him on the head again. "Stop it!" I laugh. He winced when I hit him and kept going higher. He smiled in between kisses. "You like it Kitty Kat. I know you do." I bit my lip again and threw my head back. "Stop harry!" He smiled evily. "You could stop me... but I don't see you doing anything." He went up, skipped my lower area and started kissing up my stomach then back down again. "Did you not hear me when I said stop?! Stop this!" He laughed and dropped my leg, then jumped off the bed. He shrugged. "If you insist." He said and walked out the room. I sigh and grunt. I didn't really want him to stop. It felt too good. I just wanted to feel his kisses and tongue in me... I shook my head. I didn't know what came over me.

I sighed again, over exaggeratedly, hoping he'd hear me.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I smiled to myself as I sat on the couch. I was teasing her because i didn't get any last night. I wanted to keep going. Trust me. It took all my might to stand up and walk out. I turned the t.v. on. I heard her sigh. I laughed to myself. She wanted to get my attention. I got up and walked back to the room. I leaned against the entrance of the door, crossed my arms and smiled. "Is something wrong babe?" She looked at me with puppy dog eyes. She laid back down without saying anything and closed her eyes, probably thinking I wouldn't do anything. I walked to the bed and jumped on it. I laid next to her and opened her eyes. I laughed. "Kiiiittttyyyy kaaaaaatttt. What's wrong? You don't want to just go watch cartoons with me?" I said, teasing her some more. She closed her eyes again and turned over so I couldn't see her face. "Baaaaabbby." I whined. I laid on top of her. "What's wrong?" Am I suffocating you?" I laughed again. She groaned into the pillow and tried to push me off. I roll over and she closed her eyes again.

"Kat. You better answer me before I have to do something about it."

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" She said, rolling her eyes and trying to roll over again. I stopped her from rolling over. I sat on her belly and pinned her arms on the bed. I leaned down so we were face to face, our noses touching. I smiled. "You don't want to know. So tell me." She squinted her eyes and glared at me. "Try me."

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