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Okay, sorry if i got like, mini addicted to talking to y'

well, yeah. this chapter feels a bit rushed..but its kind of intense.



Peace, vote, read, feedback.

idk man.

-Love M.Styles :)


*Kats P.O.V.*

I woke up in a van. I opened my eyes slightly so the driver wouldn't see that I was awake. I've seen this van before. But where? I started panicking. I was thinking about who it could be. Then I heard the voices. Austin. My ex boyfriend. What would he want with me? I heard his Irish accent ask, "Is she up yet?" It was the voice that haunted me. The voice that I heard in my nightmares. Another voice I didn't recognize said, "No. She's still sleeping." He was Irish too. This scared me. I didn't want to open my eyes now. It was too scary. I had to wait for the right moment. How did he know where I was? I had so many questions running through my mind. It made me even more scared...

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I was over at Louis house. He had found me crying on a bench. All the boys were over, consoling me. Liam spoke up, still trying to add the facts up together. "Is there anybody you know who could of took her? Or was she upset enough to just leave?" I looked up at him. "Not that I know of. And no. We were so blissful. It was perfect." Zayn was at the computer. "I just started a trend. Its #HelpFindHarrysKittyKat . Its tending world wide." He said. I started crying again. I just wanted her to be safe.

*Kats P.O.V.*

"Well wake her up, Chance." Austin said. He didn't have to wake me up. I twitched a bit. I blinked my eyes open. Seeing Austin again after so many years, he didn't change at all. He still had dark brown eyes and light blond hair. My eyes widened when he saw me. I opened my mouth to scream but Chance quickly covered it up again with another cloth. It smelled like the other one. I knew what would happen. But why wake me up if you were only going to knock me out again. Before I could question anymore, my world went black again.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I was laying on Lou's bed, curled up in fetus position. Louis was laying beside me, rubbing my back. "Its going to be alright , Haz. We'll find her. Dont worry. We'll find her." He whispered repeatedly, trying to reassure me. It wasn't really working. Liam and Zayn were on the computer, reading all tweets that could help, and Niall was on the phone, calling around for the best investigators.


*Katherines P.O.V.*

When I finally woke up, I wasn't in a van anymore. I was in his house! I recognized it. I open my eyes, not worried if they see me. I look around but they arnt there. My hands and feet arnt tied up anymore. I stand up off the couch. I walk around the house, looking in every bedroom. No one was here. Are they stupid? I can just walk into the kitchen where the back door is and open it. I look around a little bit surprised that nothing has happened. I step outside. When my foot hit the ground, I get pulled back inside the house and slammed onto the floor. I see Austins face. Its angry, but happy at the same time. If that's even possible. "You went thinking of leaving so early, were you? You just got here love." He says smiling.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I was in a daze. I was numb. I couldn't think straight. I heard Niall on the phone, describing her for the hundredth time to another investigator. I sighed and listened in to another conversation. Liam spoke to Zayn in a somewhat excited voice. "Look at this one Zayn. They said they know who took her. Reply! Reply!" I sat up from where so was. "What does it say, who is it from?" Zayn looked over his shoulder at me surprised. "Oh hey. Ehrm its some username chase6838. It doesn't have a picture." I stood up and looked for myself. I crossed my arms and stared at the screen. Zayn replied and we all waited for a reply...

*Kats P.O.V.*

"You seriously think that I would want to stay with someone who beat me and left me stranded in a dark alley to die?" I spit. He nodded and got off of me, closeing the door. "Get off the floor kitten. You'll get it dirty." He said. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I got off the floor and stood up. He hasn't changed a bit. He's still the same bastard he was when we dated.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

Zayn spoke up. "He replied." We all ran to the computer. It said, "Ill tell you. But it'll cost." Zayn shook his head. "This is too public. I'm DMing him." We waited again.

Zayn DMd him.

"What do you mean it'll cost?"

They said back, "We want money for her. A million dollars."

I read it and scoffed at their reply. "Lets just give it to him. She's worth way more than a million dollars." Niall shook his head. "Have you not seen the movies. You can't do that. We have to wait till the investigators get here." I sighed and sat back on the couch. Back in fetus position. Back to crying my eyes out like I have been for the past few days. I just wanted my kitty Kat back....


*Katherines P.O.V.*

"Oh and Austin? Never call me kitten. Ever again. Got it?" I said fearlessly. I should be scared. I wasn't until he came closer. I backed up until I hit the wall. He put his arms on either side of the wall next to me. He leaned in close and whispered, his breath reeking of alcohol. "Don't talk to me like that, I run this place. Remember, Kitten? The same rules apply now, that they did back then. Ill call you whatever I want to, KITTEN." He called me kitten many times just to piss me off. It worked. He leaned in until we were centimeters apart. His dark brown eyes looked into my hazel ones. And suddenly, I'm back to when we were together. All the painfull memories of being emotionally, mentally, and physically abused. Out of no where, I feel a huge pain in my stomach. I look down and see his hand pounding my stomach in. I doubled over in pain. That's when his fist connected with my nose. I instantly felt something coming out my nose. I wanted to reach up and wipe it, but my hands were busy covering my stomach. I fell to the ground, crying in pain. I WAS back to the past when we were together. Nothings changed.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

Three investigators came over and they all explained the messages and what we were to do. One said, "Okay. Reply back. Tell them to meet you with the girl." The second one was tracing where the messages were being send. The third one was making phone calls to the police. I stayed in the corner, still in fetus position rocking back and forth, biting my knuckle. I felt lost, hurt, and worst of all, useless. I couldn't take it. I got up and left the house. I felt in my pocket for my keys. I got in my car and started driving to an unknown destination.

*Kats P.O.V.*

He smiled at me and left the room. He went into a bedroom, I could hear the door shut. Where did he come from? Then I remembered he had an attic. I was still crying in pain for some reason. My stomach hurt more than before. I hear footsteps rush over to me. I looked up and saw Chase. Why would he be here still? "Here, let me help. I'm really sorry about this. He made me do it. I'm really sorry, Katherine." He said as he picked me up bridal style and carried me to a couch in the attic. I smiled a weak smile and he smiled back. He went to the kitchen and came back with some ice and pain medicine. He placed the ice on my stomach and I took the medicine. "Thank you." I smiled at him. He nodded and left. He didn't want Austin to catch him helping me.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I couldn't see through the tears, so I ended up crashing into someone's trash cans. I stopped the car and called Liam. I told him what happened. He said, "Go apologize to those people. Ill come get you. What's the address?" I told him and we hung up. I walked up to the door and rang the door bell. A rough looking guy answered. "Eherm, excuse me. I've seem to have ran into your trash cans. If there's anything I need to pay for, let me know." I said. The guy saw who I was and told me to come in. I walked in slowly and looked around his house. I something on the kitchen floor. It looked a bit blood. I scrunched my face up in confusion. I asked him, "I didn't catch you name. What was it?" He turned around and smiled at me wickedly. "Its Austin."

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