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*Harrys P.O.V.*

I woke up before her and watched her. She was smiling in her sleep. I wanted to be like this forever. She looked so beautiful, and peaceful. I watched her breath lightly, her body moving up and down. I finally stood up quietly, stretched, and went in the kitchen to make her breakfast.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I was woken up by the smell of breakfast. I stood up sleepily and walked into the kitchen. I went up behind him and put my arms around him. He jumped a bit when I did. Must of scared him. "Goodmorning babe." He said as he turned around and kissed my forehead. "Goodmorning curly," I say sleepily. I kiss his cheek sleepily and almost miss.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I laugh at her. "Go sit down. You look like you'll pass out right here on the floor. We don't need that." She grunted and walked away. I watched her walk to the table in only my tshirt. She looked good. I looked down her legs, fantasizing about her, and about last night... I shook my curls and snapped out of my trance when she sat down and laid her head on the table. "I'm tired Harry." She whined. I let the food cool down a bit and walked over to her. "I wore you out , huh?" I said sticking my tongue out and laughing. I pulled a chair out and sat next to her. She picked her head up and glared at me. She laid her head back down and sighed. I turned her chair toward me and lifted her sleepy head. "Cmon babe. If you're that sleepy, just go lay down. Ill go with you if you want." I smiled at her. She groaned. "No, I want to stay here." She lazily threw her arms around me. "I love you Harry." She whispered. I hugged her back. "I love you too Kat." We stayed in the hug a little long before I remembered the food. I stood up and got her breakfast and bought it to her. "Your food madam." I set it in front of her and bowed.

*Kats P.O.V *

I smiled at him. "Thank you, Curly." I kiss him softly and start eating. He smiled at me. "So how is it?" he asked. "Its great! Youre such an amazing coo!" I say as I finish the food. He smiled cockily. "I know. I'm also an amazing cleaner. There was ice cream and chocolate and whip cream everywhere..." he scanned the room and started to laughe. I roll my eyes. "Shutup." I hit him in the arm playfully and stand up and kiss him. He laughed and kissed me back. "So do you wanna go out today? Or do you wanna stay in?" He winked. "Go put some clothes on, Curly. We're going out. I'm gonna call the boys, can we meet up with them?" He looked at me confused. "Eherm yeah." He got up, got dressed and called the boys. "Where do you wanna meet them?" He asked. "It doesn't matter. I just need to talk to them about something." I smiled.


*Katherines P.O.V.*

They decided on the park. He was still looking at me confused. "What? Is something wrong?" I asked. "What are you going to talk to them about? I'd much rather stay here." He smugly smiled. "I'm just gonna talk to them. You can stay here if you want to." I smile. He sat on the couch and pulled me on his lap. "No silly. I'd rather stay here... with you." He smiled and kissed me. I pull away. "But Harry. I wanna talk to them." I whined. He sighed. "Okeeey babe. Lets go." He stood up, grabbed his keys and we walked out the door. I kiss him quickly. "Thank you, Harry." I smiled.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

We get in the car and take a short drive to the park. When we get there, Liam is going down the slide, having a blast, Lou and Niall are swinging, trying to beat each other by going harder and Zayn is sitting at the top of the jungle gym staring at himself in a shiny pole. I laughed. Good thing there was no one there. They'd be hogging the entire park.

*Kats P.O.V.*

I giggle when I see them. They look like little kids. I smiled and grabbed Harry's hand. For some reason, I got nervous. He looked over at me. "Whats wrong?" He asked. "Just a bit nervous." I whisper to him. "About what? You wanted to come here." He said. "I don't know, actually." I shrug and smile at him. He smiled back and we walked towards the boys. Liam was the first to notice us. "Hey Haz, hey Kat!" He slid off the slide and jumped up to hug us. "Hey Liam!" I smile at liam. Liam said, "Harry said you wanted to talk to us?" Niall jumped from the swing and landed near us. "Yeah, what about?" Louis and Zayn joined us. I smile at them. "I just wanted to thank you for telling me to forgive Harry." I said, looking at them all. Liam smiled widely. Lou walked up and gave me a hug. "Your welcome babe." Lou said. Then all the boys walked up and put me in a group hug. Harry laughed at the sight. I giggle and hug them back. The group hug lasted longer than I thought it would.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I coughed. "Eherm you can let go of her now. Shes mine." All the boys laughed. Lou jumped up on me and started messing with my curls. "Jealous are we, Haz?" I laughed. "Get off." I playfully pushed him. Kat giggled. "They're just being friendly. You know that I love you." She says to me and smiles. Zayn spoke up. "Lets go play!" He ran to the monkey bars. I looked at Kat. "Do you still want to talk or do you wanna play?" She smiled, "Are you kidding me? I wanna play!" She said running after Zayn. I laughed and as I ran after them too. Lou grabbed my arm and pulled me aside before I could go any further. "You two did it. I can tell." He stated. I smiled and blushed. "I don't know what your talking about." I said. "You're practically GLOWING." he exclaimed, pinching my cheek. I shook my curls and smiled more. He gave me a knowing looks then patted my back and said, "Atta boy." And walked off to play too.


*Kats P.O.V.*

I was having so much fun, running around and playing. I walked over to the slide and saw Niall blocking it. "Niall, move!" I yelled playfully. "No! You can't make me!" Niall laughed. Harry walked up behind us and said, "But I can." He pushed Niall and he slid of the slide. I laughed. "Sorry Niall." I smiled and shrugged and went down the slide. Harry slid after me, and before I could run off, he grabbed my hand. He whispered, "Come with me." He pulled me and we ran behind a big oak tree. "What?" I whispered to him. "You looked so cute playing like a little kid. I wanted you for myself." He said. I was leaning against the tree and he grabbed my face and kissed me. He slid his hand behind my back and pulled me closer. I kissed back and when I opened my eyes, I saw Louis standing behind Harry, making faces. I had to laugh a bit.

*Harrys P.O.V.*

I heard laughing and turned around. Louis said, "Were you trying to bang her right in the park? Oh ma gawd." He scrunched up his nose, I swung at him playfully. He yelled, "HARRY AND KAT ARE TRYING TO MAKE BABIES!" All the boys ran to where we were. I laughed and shook my curls. What pervs. Of course they would come to see that. Kat started laughing a lot. "Louis, SHUT UP! At least Harry can get laid!" She yelled playfully. I blushed and smiled. Louis' jaw dropped. Zayn and Niall spoke at the same time. "Ooooooohhhhhh snaaapppp." Liam was on the floor rolling around, laughing. She went up and hugged Louis. "I'm sorry that you can't handle the truth." She giggles. Louis got an amused look on his face. He walked over to me, grabbed my hand and started pulling me. "What are you doing?" I said, a bit confused. He looked directly at Kat, and said really loud, "I'm going to get laid." He winked at Kat as he pulled me faster. I started laughing. "No! Not with my man your not!" She said running after us. Louis and Kat started playing tug o war with my arms. Liam walked up to us and said, "I have to go. Dani wants a piece of this liam." He winked. Niall laughed. "There goes the paaaayyyynnnneeee." Liam smiled, said bye to the boys and hugged Kat and left.

*Kats P.O.V.*

After I said my goodbyes to Liam, I let go of Harry. "Fine. Louis, he can choose who he wants." I cross my arms and pout at Louis. Harry looked at Louis and shrugged. "Sorry Lou." He said, walking over to me. He wrapped his arms around me and smiled at Louis. Lou stuck his tongue out at me. "But I'm not sorry!" I said, sticking my tongue back out at Louis and laughed. Louis laughed and his phone started ringing. "Uh oh. It's el." He answered it and talked for a few seconds. He hung up and looked at us. "Gotta go." He blew us kisses and left. Harry said, "Maybe we should go too?" "Okay..." I pouted a bit, I was having fun. I didn't want to leave. And as if Harry was reading my mind, he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Don't worry. We'll have fun at home." before he walked over to Zayn and Niall. "We're gonna go." He said. Zayn said, "Alright, go do your thanggg." Harry threw his head back and laughed. I smiled to myself and walked over to give them hugs. I rolled my eyes at them and smiled. "Bye guys." Niall and Zayn started imitating a couple making out. Harry flicked their ears and they laughed. He grabbed my hand and we walked to the car. I giggle. "I like them. They're fun." I smile and get in the car. He laughed. "Yeah that's why I love them." He drove home, holding my hand. I smiled and looked over at him and said, "I'm so lucky to have you." He kissed my hand and smiled.

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