Chapter 15 - Released

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Todoroki's POV

When Izuku woke up we just talked about what had happened. He doesn't really remember what happened. All he remembers is opening the door to my house. 

The talk was interrupted by a doctor walking in and saying.

"Hello Midoriya. I see that you are feeling much better. Is that correct?" I look at Izuku and smile. He smiles back.

"Yea I'm feeling much better thank you doctor!" He respond, excited to leave the hospital and return home.

"Perfect! Well, we are just going to run a couple of test on you to see if your ready to be dispatched and if you are, we will get you out of here and back home." The doctor clarified to us.

They started to run tests on Izu. They checked his blood pressure, heart rate, pulse, etc. This took about an hour. While they were doing that I was just on my phone reading a news story about my father being arrested for assault and child abuse. I was happy that I finally got justice for my mom and my siblings.

Then after that, Izuku was allowed to leave the hospital. I gave him some clothes and while he was getting dressed I packed my stuff back into my bag. When he came out, I couldn't help it. But, I just teared up at looking at him. He's just so amazing. 

He sees me tearing up and looks at me.

"Sho? Why you crying?" He questions.

"It's just, your so amazing that I don't think I deserve you." I respond. Tears falling down my face. He then gets close to me and kisses me. After about a minute, he pulls away and says.

"Don't say that, your perfect in every sense of the word. I wouldn't trade you for anyone." I smile at his statement. He then grabs my hand and we proceed to leave the hospital.

I see that the lady at the front desk isn't here anymore. She probably got fired. She deserves that. 

When we walk out of the hospital we immediately start to walk to Izuku's house. This entire time all I can think is

"He's too perfect. How did I deserve an angel to come into my life like him".

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