Chapter 6: Omnitrix Training

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Ben and the loud siblings exited Lisa and Lily's room to head to the backyard to get their training started, only to bump into Ronnie anne, Clyde and Sid Chang.

Ronnie anne: Oh hey guys, what was-whoa!

Clyde: Are those what I think they are?

Sid Chang: It's an omnitrix, all ten omnitrixs of ten different colors!

Lincoln: I know! Pretty cool, right? Lisa and Ben managed to make 10 prototype omnitrixs for me and my sisters.

Clyde: Whoa!

Sid Chang: So cool! Look at the designs and structure...

Ronnie anne: Yeah. Do you think you can make us one?

Lisa: Negative. I only had enough parts and materials needed to make 10 prototype omnitrixs.

Ronnie anne: Dang it.

Clyde: That's a bummer but do you all have 10 or more aliens in your watches like Ben does?

Lincoln: No. Lisa could only managed to get a total of 5 aliens in our omnitrix.

Clyde: Oh ok.

Ben: Alright then, let's head to the backyard. I'll show you how to work your omnitrix.

Lincoln and the loud sisters nodded in agreement as they followed Ben downstairs while Ronnie anne, Clyde and Sid Chang followed them to see the show.

Soon, they were all in the backyard which had enough room for the training session to start.

Ben: Alright everyone, the ten of you have officially acquired your own omnitrix. Now a part of project: Omni-force, I'm going to show how to use the device and to get the hang of the aliens you turn into and it's powers. For my first volunteer, Lori loud, would you step forward.

Lori then steps forward from the group and walks towards Ben.

Lori: Alright then.

Ben: Now, press the button near the omnitrix as the dial should pop up.

Lori sees three buttons on her omnitrix so she presses the one on the front middle as the dial pops up.

Lori: Ok, Now what?

Ben: Now you turn the dial, there should be 5 icons of aliens to choose from. Once you choose the alien you want, slam your hand on the faceplate dial.

Lori: Ok.

All eyes were on Lori, who turns the dial on her omnitrix while looking the 5 alien icons on her watch, finally stopping as she chose an alien.

Lori: This one oughta be good.

Lori slams her hand down on the faceplate as a blue light engulfed her.

Lori: AAAAH!!

The Loud Siblings covered their eyes from the blinding blue light while Ben had a slight smirk. Soon, the light faded as the loud siblings turn to see something standing in the spot where Lori once stood.

It was a tall, mechanical liquid humanoid with a slender and feminine physique. The creature has black skin with light blue circuitry lines all over its body, a light blue circle being a single eye and has a front white coating as well as a blue omnitrix symbol on the chest.

Lori was now a female Upgrade.

Lincoln: Lori?

Leni: Is that you?

The female Upgrade spoke in a voice sounds like Lori but cyber like.

Lori (Upgrade): Yeah it's me guys. (Looks at Herself) Whoa... this is literally freaky.

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