The Millionaire's Babysitter

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The Millionaire's Babysitter

I slid off my chair and headed for the exit. I don't think I could handle this encounter, and the hopeless stare Austin was giving me.

"Vi, wait!" I heard him start to chase after me. I was confused when I got outside and almost all the way across the street when I turned around to see that he wasn't there.

The building's door flew open instantly and he came stumbling out. He must have been drinking a little too much. "Wait!" He slurred out again, almost stumbling over his own two feet.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"Why are you living with your grandma?"

I gave him a crazy look and scoffed, "I really don't think you're in a position to be asking me that question. Don't you have a family to get back to?" I said rudely before spinning on my heel and heading back towards the club where I had left Reyna and Howard.

"I'm actually all alone...if you cared to know. Why did you quit working? Did you find another job?"

I stopped walking once again and turned to face him for the millionth time, "That's none of your business. We aren't associated with each other anymore. We're not colleagues and we are definitely not friends so stop asking about my personal life. Just leave me alone!"

A look of deep pain quickly washed over his face seconds before he opened his mouth to say something else, "Howard is the one that told me you're living with your grandma. You only go to her when you need support," he stated.

Whether I liked it or not, the guy knew a lot about me. I even was willing to admit that I only ever went to my grandma when I needed help to get through something traumatizing or heartbreaking. I, however, was not about to show that he had made a perfect point about me being the weaker one here.

"I miss you, Violet," he whispered. "A lot."

I stepped back as he took a step closer, "You have to stop talking to me," I pleaded as much as it killed me. "It's not fair to Silvia and Sienna."

"I don't care about Silvia! How many times do I have to tell you that?"

"For Sienna then. She deserves to have a normal family, not a dad who's going behind her mom's back."

He rolled his eyes and stumbled forward again, "She's going to know her dad does not like her mom as soon as she is old enough to understand words."

"How is she by the way?" I was only going to be sidetracked for a minute. Austin had done a good job with keeping her out of the tabloids.

"Super small but extremely beautiful," I saw the awestricken look for a brief second before he went back to looking pained. "I miss her."

"Where is she?" I asked, totally forgetting that I had to stay on the previous topic. If I kept asking questions about Sienna than I would never get down to the real answers I wanted.

"With my mom," Austin answered and seemed to suddenly have realized something. "My mom!" He snapped, "I need to get her," he started walking down the street and for some reason I chased after him. I didn't think slightly drunk Austin would be good at navigating through the large city in the dark.

"Who? Sienna or your mom?"

"Sienna. What would I want with my mom? She's a pain in my side. Good babysitter though."

"You can't walk all the way there and you sure as hell aren't driving either. You'd get yourself killed."

"What am I supposed to do then?" He asked, sounding completely hopeless.

"I honestly just recommend calling a cab and going home. You can't take care of a tiny baby in your...state anyways. Where's Silvia?"

"Who knows, who cares. At least she's gone," he tapped on the window of a parked taxi and then hopped into the backseat. "Come on!" He yelled to me.

I walked over to the open door and peered inside, "Why the hell would I go with you?" I asked.

"'Cause I'm obviously going to need help taking care of Sienna and I don't feel like enlisting the help of a nanny or someone else. You're my best option, now come on."

I let out an annoyed sigh before getting into the backseat. The taxi drove away after I told him where to go because Austin couldn't seem to remember. The drive to the upscale part of Hollywood was a short one filled with scenic views I can't believe I missed from my younger years.

The car came to a slow halt in front of the Cruise Parents family mansion and Austin bailed as quickly as possible. I was excited to see Sienna and hopefully how much she's grown since I last saw her in the incubator machine.

The taxi driver turned around to face me, "Are you with the Austin Cruise?" He asked. "I mean with with, not just with. Like are you two dating?"

"No!" I snapped, "He's married ya freaking moron," I adverted my gaze to the window, hopefully an excuse for me being here would come to mind, "I'm Sienna's babysitter."

He gave me a weird look but didn't question me any further. I was glad to see Austin coming down the driveway, a pink carseat covered in flower designs in his hand. He opened the car door and strapped the baby seat in.

Austin gave the driver the address this time, seeming to slowly be coming back to his non-intoxicated state. The address didn't ring a bell and honestly it didn't even sound like it was in Hollywood anymore.

"Where are we going?" I asked as Austin removed the golden silky blanket away from Sienna's carseat. The kid was so young and she already had golden silks with her monogram on it.

"Home," he answered while smiling down at an awakening Sienna.

I finally took the time to look down and was greeted by an angel. Sienna was adorable. She was pretty small but she made up for that in her looks. As she opened her eyes, I saw they were the same shade of brown as Austin's, her skin was of a tan complexion: very California girly, and the small amount of hair she had was an extremely light shade of blonde. "How much does she weigh?" I asked.

"Almost seven pounds," he answered while never once peeling his eyes away from Sienna. The two were having an epic stare down and I'm pretty sure Austin was about to win.

The cab stopped outside of a studio apartment complex, "Oh my God, don't you think this is overkill? You have a mansion, why the hell do you need an apartment too?"

"So I can get away from the wicked witch."

The Millionaire's Mistress (MESMERIZED BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now