The Millionaire's Third

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The Millionaire's Third

"What?" Chloe panicked. "I thought you had to be married to have babies!"

"What do you mean? You got your tests mixed up. I am not pregnant," I was clearly in denial. I didn't need this right now. Oh no.

"I'm not an idiot. I know how to read a stupid test," doctor man said. I finally took the time to read his name tag 'Cole Andrews'. Hmm...I don't know about that. "Why is this a bad thing?"

"My daddy doesn't want anymore kids," Chloe tangled her fingers in her blonde hair and shook her head. Wow, this was bugging her more than it was bugging me.

"Oh. Well, I guess you always could get rid of it. Insurance usually covers the procedure."

"No!" I snapped. "I don't murder little babies."

"It was just a suggestion," he paused, "It looks like your...beau is just going to have to take one for the team than. Kids are awesome," he smiled.

"What's up with you and kids?" I asked. This wasn't the first time he had said he thought kids were a blessing. It probably wouldn't be the last time either.

"I've always wanted kids. I don't really have time to settle down though. Work keeps me pretty occupied."

"Than quit."

He opened his mouth to speak, but the sound of my Taylor Swift ringtone cut him off. I left it to ring. I had an odd feeling I knew who it was and I really wasn't up for speaking right now.

"Is it dad?" Chloe asked. I looked down at the screen and sighed.


"Oh, so you're sisters?" It sounded like he thought he finally figured it out, even though I already told him I was Chloe's babysitter.

"I'm Chloe Cruise," she said, "That's Violet Rhys. We have different daddy's. She's dating mine though." I haven't even seen my dad in like five years. He actually could be dead and I wouldn't have known about it. Who's gonna tell me though? My dead grandma?

Doctor man's mouth hung agape, "You're dating that CEO guy? The millionaire? Ha, good for you."

I rolled my eyes, slid off the bed and snatched the paper away from him. "Is that it? Or do I only have two days to live too?" I asked.

"That's it. I do recommend setting up an appointment with an OB/GYN soon."

"Noted," I said while grabbing Chloe's hand and walking out of the small room with her.


"You guys are creeps," I scowled while taking in the sight of the two people blocking the front door. "If you don't move, I'll call the cops."

"Let us come in and talk," Reyna pleaded. Howard put his hands up in a praying type motion.

I sighed, "Only for a minute," I pushed them out of the way and unlocked the door. Chloe ran past me and into the house and soon went up the stairs also. She's been quiet ever since we left the doctor. I wonder what's wrong.

Oh I know.

Same exact thing that was wrong with me.

"What do you want?" I asked while closing the door behind them and then proceeded into the kitchen to put the groceries away.

"What's wrong? Are you sick?" Howard asked before taking a seat on one of the barstools. Reyna grabbed the chair next to him.

I turned away from them to heat the oven up, "Um...stomach bug," I lied. Why in the world why I tell these two people what was really up? I'm actually a little frustrated that Chloe even knows right now. I don't want to tell Austin anytime soon and I'm worried that she's going to let something slip.

Chloe came running back into the kitchen, the house phone in her hand. She held it out to me, "It's daddy."

A wave of panic washed over me and I seriously contemplated just hanging up. I couldn't though, "Hello?"

"Howard said you went to the hospital," Austin sounded panicked. It was cute, but like I've said before I didn't want to explain anything to him right now. Was Chloe right? Did he really not want anymore kids?

"I'm fine-"

"He also said you threw up all over the grocery store."

"That's an exaggeration," I defended, "It wasn't...everywhere."

"So do you just have the flu or something?" He asked.

"Yeah." I glanced over my shoulder to see the disappointed look Chloe was giving me. She doesn't like liars or people who keep secrets. She always had to know everything and preferred if other people shared the knowledge as well. The look she gave did tell me that she hasn't told Austin anything though and I was grateful for that.

After talking on the phone for awhile, we said our goodbyes and then hung up. Sienna and him are supposed to be coming back in three days. I have three days to get Chloe to realize that I am keeping a very big secret and she's in on it too.

"Why didn't you tell him?" She whispered as I set the phone down on the counter. Reyna and Howard seemed oblivious to what Chloe had just asked seeing as though they were more focused on the luxurious decor in the living room. "He has to know."

I shook my head, "Not yet he doesn't. Chloe, we need to keep this quiet as long as possible, ok?"

"Why?" She crossed her arms over her chest. "What's wrong with a baby?"

Now Reyna snapped her head in our direction, "A baby? What are you talking about?" She asked.

"You guys need to go. Today's been busy and I really just want to relax. So if you'd show yourselves out that would be great."

"What baby?" Reyna kept pressing, "Are you seriously going to have that douche bags baby? He's been nothing but a jerk to you, Violet. You hated him not too long ago."

"That was five years ago!" I snapped, "Things can change. And who said I was even pregnant?"

"Chloe hinted strongly at it. I'm not deaf."

I lead both her and Reyna to the front door and opened it for them in a huff, "Get out," I pointed out into the dark night sky. "Do not ever come back."

Howard gave me a pleading look while Reyna stormed out. "Go," I said, a tear threatening to leak it's way out of my eye.

"Bye, Vi," he whispered as he too left. I closed the door behind them and turned around only to see Chloe still giving me that upsetting look.

"Why can't you just tell him?" She whined.

"You're four years old, you don't understand," I said while walking past her.


Pic of: Cole Andrews

Yep, he's about to become a main character.

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