The Millionaire's Hurt Feelings

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The Millionaire's Hurt Feelings

"You know, it's a little disturbing how you're always here," Cole said as he put Owen's x-rays on the board. "You got really lucky with this one. The kid's skull is so thick, the fall didn't hurt him at all. He'll be fine but you sure do have some explaining to do to his parents."

"Yeah, no kidding," I slapped him upside the head. "So, he'll be fine?"


"Ok, thanks."


I found myself back at my motel room, alone again. The babysitting hours aren't nearly as long as they were when I took care of Sienna and Chloe.

I can't wait until Lil Bump gets here, maybe than I won't be so lonely all the time. I can see life becoming a lot crazier though and I don't know why.

There was a knock on the door so I jumped up immediately and looked out the little peep hole. Hopefully it was someone I knew.

I opened the door after making sure it wasn't some murderer, "What are you doing here?" I asked Mr. Doctor Man.

"I had a feeling you were probably bored. I was bored too so I came here. According to you I don't have any other friends so you were my only option...sadly," he cracked a smile before I playfully pushed him away.

"And that's probably why you don't have friends, ya weirdo," I paused to step aside, "I guess you can come in."

"Alrighty then. Now we're getting somewhere," he came in and I closed the door behind him again. "So how's your new job? I saw you on the Internet," he sat down on the chair directly in front of the tv playing some old 50's movie.

"It's fine, I guess. It's a lot harder to watch boys than girls though."

"Get used to it, you're gonna have a boy yourself. I bet he's going to be a monster child, kind of like you. Have you thought of a name yet?"

I nodded, "Yes, actually. I'm not going to tell you what it is though," I had only today thought of something and it came to me while listening to a song on the radio. I still wasn't sure which last name he'd get though. I hope I'm smart enough to just hand Rhys off. Cruise will be too much of a burden.

"Can you at least tell me what it starts with?"


"Ok then. Brandon, Braylon, Braxton, Bob, Brian-"

"No," I cut him off. It was painful to watch him not even come close. "Hey, why don't you have a girlfriend? I mean, you're not ugly and you're definitely not the worst person I've ever met even though you do have your moments."

I was surprised to hear another knock on the door. This time I was convinced it was probably some criminal because I wasn't friends with anyone else. No one else even knew where to find me.

I got up slowly and looked out the peep hole again. I gasped, "Go the hell away! I don't want to talk to you...ever!" I put the chain on the door just for extra security and turned around again to face Cole.

He looked confused, "Who is it?" He whispered.

"Violet please!" Austin yelled/slurred the two words together from the other side of the door. Was he...drunk? Oh God. "It's raining," he whined. It would've been hella cute if I wasn't pissed off at him.

I unlocked and opened the door, "Why are you here? How did you know where to find me?"

"I'm rich," he flailed his arms in the air for a second before going serious and then not so serious by bursting out in a fit of girly giggles. Yeah, he was definitely drunk. I know that because he acts more like a little girl than Chloe and Sienna do. "Can I come in?" He asked.

"No!" I snapped but he walked in anyway and flopped down on the bed, getting everything he touched wet because of his soaking clothes.

He looked up and at Cole, "Who the hell are you?!" He snapped, "Violet," he turned his body to me, "Are you cheating on me?"

"No, we're not together anymore!"

"But we didn't agree on that," he whined. "You just left me. You didn't even tell me why you were leaving."

"Well then, why didn't you ask Chloe or Sienna? Believe it or not, they could have told you," I closed the door and went to sit on the edge of the bed, trying to keep as much distance from him as possible. Sadly, he army crawled over until his head was only a few inches away from my lap. "You kissed Silvia!" I accused.

He gave me a dumb look, dumber than any look he's ever given anyone, "You're stupid. I didn't kiss her! She's disgusting! I only kiss you," he puffed his lips out as if he were about to kiss me but I pushed him away. "It was probably photoshopped, Vi. You can even ask Silvia, I didn't kiss her. I wouldn't do that to you."

"Why were you with her the Grammy Awards?"

"What Grammy Awards? I haven't been to those since...before Sienna?" He made it sound like a question. "Did you read this on the Internet?"

"Saw it on tv."

"Ugh," he sighed while rolling over onto his back, "Stop watching those stupid shows."

"Stop being a jackass!" I snapped.

"Ok, I'm gonna go, Violet," Cole got up and headed for the door. I sent him a pleading look. He better not leave me here alone with this crazy man! "Ok, I guess I'm gonna stay," he leaned against the wall, his arms crossed over his chest.

"Do you guys...have sex with each other?" Austin asked as if it were the grossest thing in the whole world, "That poor little baby," he tapped my belly for every word he said. "Is it a girl?"

"Nope," I answered quietly.

His eyes shot wide open, "I'm gonna have a son?"

"You're not. I am," I said. "You need to go."

I was surprised to see that he actually started to get up, "What do you mean, I'm not?"

"You're not gonna see this baby! I'm going to move far away from here so I don't have to see you ever again. All you've ever done is hurt me. I don't want that for the rest of my life."

"Why are you still mad at me? I told you I didn't kiss Silvia!"

"Just go!" I pointed at the door.

And he slowly left.

The Millionaire's Mistress (MESMERIZED BOOK ONE)Where stories live. Discover now