What's Up With Patton? (Logicality)

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(Little heads up, the picture on the top is not mine. I found it on Pinterest.)
~Roman's POV~

   The principal was being pretty nice to me. I walked out and continued going to my classes. I had some of my homework. At fourth period I wasn't able to talk to Logan.

---------------------Time Skip--------------------

   It was lunch and I sat with Patton and Logan like always. "Hey kiddo!" Patton greeted me as I sat down. "Salutations Roman." Logan greeted me also. "Hi guys." I was lost in thought for a while when Patton snapped me out of it. "Hey, kiddo, you okay?" I looked up at him. "Yeah, sorry."
"Well, if you need to talk me and logie- I mean Logan are right here." Patton was blushing and so was Logan. But Logan was blushing only a little bit. Then Logan broke the silence. "Patton, did you almost call me by a nickname?" Logan looked at Patton.

------------Switch to Patton's POV-----------

   I started to panic. 'I can't believe I just called him that! I usually call him that in my head, but never outloud!' Then I heard Logan say, "Patton, did you almost call me by a nickname?" I didn't know how to respond. So, I lied. "N-no! You must be hearing things!" I laughed nervously. "No, I know what I heard Patton." I could feel Logan looking at me, but I didn't want to look back at him and make eye contact. I did the only thing I could think of to get me out of this situation. "Hey, I need to use the bathroom. I'll see you guys later!" I walked away, not looking back.

--------Switch back to Roman's POV-------

   Logan looked at me. He was confused, but I wasn't. I know that Patton has a crush on him, but he doesn't know that. It was so oblivious, but I don't think he's figured it out yet. I didn't want to tell Logan Patton's secret. And recently, Patton's crush on Logan has gotten bigger. Logan then said, "Have you noticed that Patton has been acting strange lately?" I didn't know how to respond to that, so I just said, "Yeah, I wonder what's going on with him." I could tell that deep inside Logan, he was worried for Patton. "Should I go check in him? He seemed stressed or panicked." I knew that if Logan went to go check on Patton that would only make things worse. "No, I think he needs some time alone right now. And if he doesn't come back when the bell rings, I'll go check on him." Logan sighed a little. "Alright."

(Jeez it's been a while. Sorry for the long wait, like I said I'm a procrastinator. Well, thanks for reading!)

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