Building a friendship

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---Roman's POV---

It was another day at school. Now Patton, Logan, Janus and Remus had found out about Virgil. I was debating whether I should tell Patton and Logan about my crush. I decided not to, they might think I'm weird and stop hanging out with me. The day was halfway over so that was a relief. "Kiddo, you're spacing out." I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at a concerned Patton. "Oh sorry." Remus was sitting next to me and Janus was sitting next to Remus. Logan and Patton sitting across from us. I saw that Janus whisper something to Remus and was confused. Then Remus spoke up. "Can we all meet after school? Janus wants to tell you guys something." We all agreed. Soon enough lunch was over and we went to our classes. It was finally time to go to drama and maybe see Virgil. I walked over. I couldn't see Virgil anywhere for half of the period. Then I saw him sitting on the chairs. I asked to go to the bathroom and the teacher allowed it. I walked out and so did Virgil.  "You're welcome." I looked at Virgil confused.


"I said, you're welcome."

"For what?"

"The cameras caught you and your friends sneaking in, so I did you a favor and deleted the footage."

"Oh, well thank you."

"Don't mention it, and I like that Patton guy, he seems nice."

"Yeah, he's like the dad of the group. He also has a boyfriend, his name is Logan."

"Oh he's queer, that's cool." I know that Virgil's not homophobic so I should come out to him. "I'm gay so does that make me cool too?" "Nah, you're definitely not cool." We laughed a little and when I saw his laugh I blushed. His smile and his laugh are adorable. He saw me staring at him and blushed a little, "what?" I blushed a little more. "It's nothing." I looked away from him and he looked away from me. We didn't say anything for a while. "I should get back to class." Virgil agreed and I went back to class. After I went to p.e then to homeroom.

I walked over to Patton, Logan, Remus and Janus. We all talked then the bell rang. We all walked to the front of the school. Patton spoke up. "Okay, before Janus says what he needs to say, I want to say something if that's okay with him." Patton looked at him. "That's fine." Patton was excited. "okay, what if we had a sleepover, and we can invite Virgil so we can get to know him better and we can know each other better." We all looked at each other. "Sure, we just need to settle on what day and where." Patton smiled, "okay great. Janus, you're turn." He took a deep breath. "Okay, so you might have thought that my name was weird for a boy. Well I'm a trans male.." There was silence. "We all support you, and we'll call you by whatever name you want, right?" Patton looked at us and we all agreed. "Thanks, my parents don't really like the idea of me being trans." "Oh." Patton walked over to Janus and talked to him. Meanwhile I wanted to ask what Remus was doing at this school. I haven't seen him since we were small. I walked over to him.

"So what are you and dad doing back?"

"Well, after I got out of that mental hospital dad decided we should come back."

"Wait, you went to a mental hospital? Why?"

"Well, dad thought I went crazy and he couldn't handle me anymore so he sent me away."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Anyway, I missed you"

"Yeah, i missed you too. And don't tell dad but I'm still the same as I was before."

"Of course you are, nothing can change you."

"Also, what's up with you liking a ghost?"

(I am so sorry for the wait. Some stuff is going on with myself and I have school, I also want to start cosplaying, so I'm trying to work on that. I'll try to post more often. And I changed the story with Remus and Roman. They were separated when they were little because of their parents getting a divorce. And do you guys like the idea of Janus being trans? I thought a could add some representation in the story. And if so is there a name suggestion or do I keep his original name? Anyway, thanks for reading and supporting the story.)

(Also, I added the meme 'cause I thought it was funny and I found some new controls so I messed with them.

Ghost Boy 《prinxiety》Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt