40. Recap

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Kevin's P.O.V

I watched her hands swiftly move as the keyboard clacked with answers soon to be given. Her mind seemed so focused. I could see that her eyes turned glassy as she wrote. I feel like I shouldn't have said much but I couldn't help it.

"Autumn Le? I love you..."

She looked over at me as if a bullet went through her stomach. She collapsed on the ground as the tear flung from her check, and in that moment the tension grew and I became extremely inept of helping her escape this beast.


I picked her up and laid her on her bed.

"She must have fainted."

Her breathing was soft, and it helped me make my mind wander.

I started thinking about my charade. Wearing all of this "preppy clothes" And trying so hard to look like I have my life together. It hurt to lie. And in that moment, I promised to myself. Wherever Autumn goes, I go to.

And then the computer beeped.

I walked over to it.

"Oh needs to... be.. chaaarged?"

I looked at her screen to see a page of writing.


is my vision of existence just a never ending game of deciet and lies? ...

It continued to carry on until it abruptly stopped at one part. When I got shot.

the fear in his eyes made my affection for him grow. all I wanted was his body on top of mine, yet I knew that he didn't feel the same. Yet did I? After the incident with his father he disappeared. And I.... didn't even care. I'm just a sociopathic frea

I read as it brought me to tears. To read how damn heroic I was to her. How I put her before me, like at that dance, or when I got shot... I always made it about her. "Damn..." So what made it to where I couldn't be that for her now? why can't I be there for her right now? To be as sweet and caring as the Kevin she dated over this summer? 

"Stay." I said.

"I'm going to title this... Stay."

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