School? Can I Help? Lorelai.

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Willow's POV

I helped Luke put together my bed, and we put it next to Jess'. Then we built my dresser so I could put all of my clothes away.

Part of my shirts had already been hung up next to Jess' in the closet. By the time we were done with the dresser Jess was home from school.

I talked him into helping me put together our bookshelf seeing as we were sharing it. That gave Luke a chance to get some work done in the diner.

"How was school?" I ask.

"Boring," he replied.

"At least you went. You went, right?" I ask hopefully.

"Yeah, I actually went Will. When are you gonna start going to school?" He asks.

"I don't know, we'll have to ask Luke I guess."

"Maybe having you there will make going more tolerable," Jess says smiling at me.

We get the bookshelf set up and filled before Luke comes upstairs.

"Hey, I talked to Lorelai, and she wanted to know if you would like to have a girls' day with her and Rory this weekend? She also welcomed us all to dinner tomorrow night, kind of like she did for Jess when he first got here," he says.

"That sounds fun," I say.

Lorelai is nice, and if she's nice, I assume Rory will be too.

"And I need your help downstairs," he says turning to Jess.

Jess groans and rolls his eyes before walking out of the apartment.

I catch Luke as he's about to walk out.

"Hey, Luke, when do I start school?" I ask.

"I haven't been able to go to the school yet, but I'm gonna try and get you enrolled sometime this week."

"Okay. Oh, and can I help too?" I ask.

"You want to help? In the diner, you want to help?" Luke asks, sounding confused.

"Um, yeah," I mumble.

He thinks for a second.

"Why?" he replies

"I don't know, sounds fun," I mumble out, avoiding eye contact.

"Yeah, sure Willow, you can come help, or just hang out if you want," he says.

"Okay," I say with a smile, skipping into the hall and walking down the stairs.

I look around for a second and start bussing tables.

"What are you doing Will?" Jess asks confused from behind the counter.

"Helping!" I say as I pass by him, giving him a big smile.

"Okay?" he replies.

"God you are crazy aren't you?" he asks me.

I reply, not skipping a beat.

"A little. I get it from mom. Be careful you might get it too," I say, trying to keep a serious face, but start laughing when he looks at me with wide eyes, emphasizing just how crazy I sound.

Lorelai comes in and sits at the counter. Even though he was asked to come help, Jess is standing at the other end of the counter reading his book. Luke is too busy to help her, but throws her a hello when she enters. That leaves me to take her order.

"Move it, jerkface," I say as I try and push past Jess to get to Lorelai.

"Work on your insult, brat," he shoots back.

"Could you be no help at all in a spot that has less traffic, please?" I say as I move in front of Lorelai.

I look at her and she smiles.

"I like you, you've got jokes," she says, smiling, making me laugh.

"What can I get you Lorelai?" I ask.

"Luke! I got her to laugh, and she's talking to me!" She cheers, making me laugh again, and making Luke smile as he rolls his eyes.

"If she asks for coffee tell her no," Luke says, before turning back to the costumer he was still busy with.

"Don't listen to him, I need it. It's my life's blood. Must have coffee," she says, making me laugh again.

"What else can I get you?" I ask.

"A burger with fries, and make it two. Rory will be here in a minute," Lorelai says.

"I think she's talking to her boyfriend," she adds.

With that information Jess' head pops up from his book. I know him well enough to see the slight look of panic in his eye. He quickly covers it up by clearing a table I hadn't yet.

I think I figured out who the mystery girl is. I know Jess isn't the best at showing his emotions, and she's taken. He'll probably make an ass out of himself, if he hasn't already.

After I give Caesar their order Rory comes in and sits next to her mom.

"Hey, Kid. This is Willow, Luke's niece," Lorelai says, gesturing towards me.

"Hi, I'm Rory. I haven't heard much about you. You're from New York?" Rory asks.

"Yeah, I got left with mom when Jess came here," I said smiling at her.

"Why did you get sent here? You don't seem to act at all like Jess," Lorelai asks.

"Oh, um?" I panic.

I look up at Luke and Jess. They both hold similar expressions.

"I'm sorry, I said something I shouldn't have. I do that sometimes," Lorelai says, trying to lighten the mood.

"Oh, no. It's fine, it's just... um," no still panicking.

"Willow, you can go upstairs. Lorelai, can I talk to you outside?" Luke said in a rush, pulling Lorelai to the door, as Jess guided me up the stairs.

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