Mexican-American War

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During the end of the Mexican-American War, Mexico got seriously injured by America. The two had a small quarrel with just the two of them.

America started monologuing about how he thought how pathetic Mexico was and how weak he is. During this Mexico backed himself against the wall to gain some balance.

America not noticing kept pointing out Mexico's flaws in war and in economics, politics, customs, etc. During this Mexico slid down to the ground which again went unnoticed.

Once America was done talking about Mexico he started talking about how he'll win the war and continue to be the hero in the story. Once he realized that Mexico was slumped on the ground with his back against the wall with his head down he felt insulted.

He asked him to pay attention to him.

No answer.

Confused he kneels down and tilts Mexico's head up slapping it lightly a couple of times to get his attention.

No response.

America started to get worried and asked that now isn't a good time to be playing games and to open his eyes. He started to shake him a little.


America now extremely worried laid Mexico in arms and lap where he examined the bruises and gunshots all over his arms and torso. Mexico was knocked out cold leaving him unconscious. America then had flashbacks of his childhood and how Mexico and him were really close. The happiest memories of them flashed before his eyes as his blue eyes stared at Mexico's unconscious body that was covered in blood.

He then fired gunshots in the air to get the Mexican soldiers attention. He laid Mexico against the wall with bags of powder supporting his body as the medics came in to patch up Mexico.

Never has America felt so guilty for a victory. He felt terrible for winning the war as he heard that after he took California, Texas, and Arizona Mexico was in a coma for a couple of weeks.

The day he saw his former friend unconscious and bloody left him in the care of his people, he left crying his heart out.

Mexico to this day doesn't know that America helped him receive medical attention.

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