Gifts of Gratitude

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Spain actually brought Mexico along with him to his overseas travels and at one point they sailed to Japan a couple of times for trade. Mexico was fairly young and got to meet Japan and the two became friends. Japan would often teach Mexico customs and traditions of his culture and educated him a little on what interested Mexico at the time like music, textiles, antiques, etc. 

Because Mexico felt bad that Japan had to deal with Spain, he went out of his way to create little trinkets for Japan, thanking him for being able to put up with them, dealing with Spain, and disturbing him and wasting his time. Mexico would often make quilts, necklaces, small toy soldiers, or small decorative and colorful ceramic pots. 

Japan would always appreciate these gifts and still has them to this day since he wants to treasure the days of kindness exerted from a young Mexico. He felt like a big brother and found pride when he taught Mexico something he had never heard of and seeing his eyes light up. He treasures all the gifts and doesn't plan on throwing them away. 

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