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Mexico is quite superstitious. He isn't bad about myths but he doesn't deal with them in a good manner. He believes that black moths do bring death to someone close and avoids them like the plague of 1347. 

He also believes in the myths of La Llorona and Chupacabra but he isn't as afraid of these myths surprisingly and uses them to frighten tourists and some of the countries (like America, Veneziano, and Japan). 

He doesn't sweep his house at night because it will bring bad luck, at least that is what he believes. 

He also believes that to get rid of fears you must eat a piece of sweet bread. He loves sweet bread so it instantly makes him forget about his fears and problems. 

Now he is a logical person -at times- so he doesn't believe every Mexican myth out there but he does believe a few and he takes them seriously except for La Llorona and the Chupacabra

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