Dating Advice

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(Link is back online)

Link: Are any of you dudes online?

(Daruk is back online)

(Revali is back online)

Link: Thank Hylia... I need help

Daruk: Sure! What's up little guy?

Link: Hold up, I want this to be private

(Link has changed chat settings)

Revali: What'd you do now?

Link: The girls can't see our messages

Daruk: You can actually do that?

Link: Yep, had some free time yesterday and did some playing around

Revali: So what are you hiding then

Daruk: You actually got Urbosa mad?

Link: I... um... I...

Revali: SPILL IT

Link: Okay I like Mipha!!!!

Revali: -_-

Daruk: We already kinda knew that

Revali: I KNEW IT!

Link: Wait... you did?

Daruk: Link Link Link...

Revali: You're pathetically stupid

Daruk: Not that, you're just too oblivious

Link: I am...?

Revali: Every damn time

Daruk: Dude chill, this is a bro moment

Revali: Phhhh...

Link: Does she... like me?

Revali: Beats me -_-

Daruk: I think she does

Revali: She wants you Link

Link: Um...

Revali: Craves to be with you

Daruk: Okay, that's enough

Revali: ;)

Link: But it feels weird though

Revali: Because she's a fish?

Link: No... Zelda... I think she likes me too


Daruk: Are you sure?

Link: Trust me, I'm positive she does

Revali: Dang Link, the Princess too?!

Daruk: Well do you like her?

Link: No... I mean, I like her but as a friend

Revali: Ouch, friendzoned XD

Link: I've never felt a romantic attraction to her... it feels weird

Revali: Mhm.

Link: No seriously

Revali: Sure buddy, whatever you say ;)

Link: :/

Daruk: Since when did you like Mipha?

Link: Pretty much when I first saw her... she's very cute

Revali: OOOOOH Link's getting serious

Link: >->

Revali: When's the baby coming? Wait... can you...


Daruk: Whoa...

Revali: Hmm... that's more like it

Daruk: So... what help do you need then

Link: How do I work myself up to her?

Daruk: Well um, she's already into you Link, nothing much to do really

Revali: Simply go to her, french kiss, then make out

Link: .....

Daruk: Revali, were not there yet

Revali: Why? It always works

Daruk: I don't know what to say Link... not an expert on those things

Revali: Who you date anyway? Rock sculptures?

Daruk: No... unlike you who couldn't even date a Moblin

Revali: Hey! I'm more charming than that!

Daruk: Keyword being "charming"

Link: Um weren't you guys supposed to help me?

Revali: Naw, you're sad enough already

Daruk: Ignore him Link... just be subtle with her

Link: Like flowers or a picnic together?

Revali: Or a smack to the face?

Link: ...

Daruk: Just be yourself

Link: I see... thanks for the help guys

Daruk: No problem!

Revali: Yeah whatever, I got more important things to do

(Revali has gone offline)

Daruk: Geez... I'll see you later then Link

Link: See ya big guy!

(Daruk has gone offline)

Link: Wait... hold up

(Link has changed chat settings)

Link: There you go

(Link has gone offline)

(Mipha is back online)

(Urbosa is back online)

Mipha: Um, what's going on?

Urbosa: Weird. The men were online and were typing but I couldn't see the messages

Mipha: You think they did something to the settings?

Urbosa: Hmm... something fishy is going on here

Mipha: Well, no one's online... I'll just go back to practice with Ruta...

Urbosa: Alright take care!

(Mipha has gone offline)

(Urbosa has gone offline)

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