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The thing about demons is that everybody has anywhere from one to one thousand, maybe more. No one is able to see someone else, and there's no way you can know what someone else's are without asking them. Most people deny they have demons, they'll say they've never seen one in their life despite seeing them dancing around your head. Some demons are small, able to be flicked away for a while before they return. Others are the size of skyscrapers, big and slow enough to outrun, but if they catch you good luck. There are even ones who live beneath your skin, always with you, never leaving and always watching. You dear reader, probably have a few with you right now. We know that they are hard to face, but the best thing for you is to accept them, once you do, the flies will drop dead, the Skyscrapers will fall and the infiltrators will leave you. It will take time, but it's worth it. Life is so much brighter without demons.

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