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Feeling small was a part of Alina's daily routine. She'd help the group wherever she could, but Melissa's magic was far more advanced. She got the feeling that if it wasn't for the fact that she knew magic that Melissa didn't, that one day they'd leave her, her combat was outshone by almond everyone in the group, Alex had tried to teach her more skills, but she was never very athletic.

And now, she sat in her hometown town of armoured Hamlet, with Alison and Alex having a duel, Melissa deeply involved in her newest textbook, Eric teaching Isabelle how to fight up close, that the feeling of uselessness sunk in. She stood up from the barrel she was on and walked into the forest that lined the small village.

She eventually stumbled upon one of the places she felt the most useless, the where the feeling that things would have been better if she wasn't there. Her fingertips traced the long, slim scar that ran down her left arm. The scream of agony she had let out, the fear that was behind her eyes and the anger behind both her attackers and her friend's actions. She felt like at this moment, with how unneeded, unhelpful and insignificant she was, it would be better if she just disappeared.

Random Writing that I did when I was boredHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin