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"Use your head for once." Her counsellor stated, rubbing their temples in an attempt to stay calm. The girl simply let out a sigh as she crossed her arms. Amy had developed the unhealthy habit of beating those who got on her nerves. This time the guy got lucky, as a teacher had stopped the fight before she could do any more damage than just the broken nose. "Ms Adams, I know that student isn't the best, he's come here just as many times as you." They locked gaze with Amy. "But you can't fight fire with fire, you have to think your way around these issues." They started to fill out the girls late slip as she played with her light brown hair. As if thinking would help her, she had tried to get him to piss off without violence at least five times but he kept coming back. The only thing she had to think about was how much trouble she'd be in with her parents.

Random Writing that I did when I was boredWhere stories live. Discover now