Author-chan states....

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That the characters may sound off key, I mean come on they don't talk.... Well not in our language anyway

I am only doing x reader requests because I want to
And they are NOT the human versions, they are the animal versions

I'm sorry but I can't stand when there are characters that are non human and are changed to humans, is it just me?
I feel it takes away your perspective on the characters mentally.

No smut..........I'm Not gonna call you guys who want smut gross because its stupid.I read smut too and its rude to call someone gross for smut when you will probably 90% chance have smut in the future with your special someone
Update: ya Author Chan about the 'no smut'-

Anyway request whatever as long as it meets standards

Oh by the way, just to add the whole purpose of Happy Tree Friends at the end of most of the one shots you die along with sometimes the person you are shipped with so consider that this is a um, violence warning?

I mean it's Happy Tree Friends what do you expect

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