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Season Three

I could finally sit and read Gone With The Wind. I'd been meaning to for a long while, and I finally had a chance to. That is, until I get a text from my friend/crush, whatever you want to call him.

From: Sarcastic Goofball

Scott and I are outside your house. He wants to get a tattoo, and I persuaded him to let you come.

Grumbling, I made my way outside to see the familiar Jeep. "Scott, you'd better be getting a good tattoo, because you disturbed me from my book."

Stiles took a sharp breath. "Disturbing her from her book. Bad move, Scott."

"You're the one that texted me, Stilinski," I huffed.

Stiles smirked at me. "You love me, Als."

"Sure," I muttered.

Scott made a motion and groaned. "Gagging. Get together already."

We arrived at Beacon Tattoo and walked inside. Scott explained to the tattooist what he wanted. Two bands? The tattooist directed Scott to sit in one of the chairs and looked at what Scott drew. "Boy, it's a good thing you drew me a picture."

Stiles held up an image of a kanima-looking creature. "Hey, Scott, sure you don't want something like this?"

"Or this?" I asked as I held up a beastly werewolf-like image.

Scott frowned at the two of us causing Stiles to say, "Too soon? Yeah."

I met Scott's eye. "Are you sure about this, Scott? Tattoos are permanent and it's hard to remove 'em."

Scott shook his head. "I'm not changing my mind."

Stiles sighed in annoyance. "Okay, but why two bands?"

Scott shrugged. "I just like it."

I raised an eyebrow. "Shouldn't your first tattoo have some sort of meaning?"

"Getting a tattoo means something," Scott retorted.

Stiles frowned for a moment. "I don't think that's..."

The tattooist finally spoke. "He's right. Tattooing goes back thousands of years. The Tahitian word "tatua" means "to leave a mark." Like a rite of passage."

Scott motioned to the tattooist with a jerk of his head. "Yeah, you see? He gets it."

I motioned to the tattooist. "He's covered in tattoos, Scott, literally."

The tattooist sighed and held up a large needle. "Okay, you ready? You ain't got any problems with needles, do you?"

"Nope," Scott replied with a shake of his head.

"I tend to get a little squeamish though, so..." Stiles began as he passed out in the back.

"He'll be alright in a little bit," I informed, once I'd made sure Stiles was okay.

An hour or so later, Scott's tattoo was done. Stiles began driving us home as Scott groaned. "Oh, man."

"You okay Wolf Boy?" I asked with concern.

Scott winced as he glanced to me. "Kinda burns."

Stiles noddded a few times. "Yes, you just had your skin stabbed about 100,000 times with a needle."

"Yeah, but I don't think it's supposed to feel like this."

"Oh, God," Scott groaned again. "No, it's definitely not supposed to feel like this. Oh, I gotta take this thing off."

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