welcome to canterlot high school

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After coming through the portal, twilight starts to feel groggy from the travel and wakes up feeling dizzy.

Spike: "uh, twilight!"

Spike is now a small purple dog with spots behind him, light green furry ears and dark green fur from the top of his head like usual when he was dragon. He also has a collar with spikes on it as well as a dog tag with a heart on it and except for fall-apart rabbit and bonkers still the same of themselves.

Twilight: "spike? Are you a dog."

Spike: "I think so. But, I have no idea what you are."

She sees that her hooves have been replaced with hand and fingers. Which means one thing. Twilight sparkle is now a human! Her coat was replaced with light purple human skin. Her name also replaced with human girl that has the same color style. She also wearing a light blue shirt with a pink bow on it, dark purple skirt with her cutie mark on it, dark purple boots with pink long socks underneath and a backpack behind her.

Twilight: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!"

Twilight inspects her new form as she is freaky out. How could this happen? Is this what happens when you entered through the portal? Twilight doesn't know as she's continues to look at her human form while she's hyperventilating.

Bonkers wearing soldier uniform and trying  to reasons with twilight.

Bonkers: "solider! You have to get it together."

She know that he's right and she took deep breath.

Twilight: your right bonkers, we need to find my crown as soon as possible and get back there.

They turned around to see a building that's dark pink with a huge red flag on the top and including gargoyle statue on top edge of the building just sitting on one knee and hand under the chin.

Fall-apart rabbit: that statue look scary!

Bonkers: yeah

Spike: you said it guys

Twilight: I suggest we start searching the castle first."

Spike: work for us

Twilight then starts running like she normally does when she was a pony. However, spike tapped his paw on her shoulder and she looked to see a boy and his dog looking at her strangely.

Spike: "yeah. I don't know that's how the new you is supposed to-!"

Spike stopped as twilight jumped back on to her feet to look normal.

After the boy and dog left, twilight struggled to stay on her human feet as she walked weirdly to the building.

Twilight: "come on guys. I do not want to be like this for longer than I have to."

Spike: "look on the bright side. You don't have those pesky wings to worry about anymore."

Twilight gives him a dirty look

When she made it to the doors, twilight tries to use her magic to open  them. but, it didn't work as she went face first into the door.

Twilight: "my magic. It isn't working."

Spike: "make sense. You don't exactly have your horn."

Twilight: what?

Bonkers: "we really need to find you a mirror."

He open the door for them went inside the school then he entered the school but his fingers got stuck on the door.

Bonkers: uh-oh!

He jumped on door window and try to get his fingers free but failed.

Bonkers: umm guys! My fingers is stuck inside the door.

But they didn't hear him because they saw artifacts inside the display case then they heard the school bell rung and she see Other humans coming out of nowhere. They were different kinds and twilight is right now in the middle of this strange crowd.

Bonkers: "aww great I can't see them in this crowd and need some help to get my fingers free."

He spotted a boy wearing beanie on his head.

Bonkers: excuse me

Boy: yes I can help you dude

Bonkers: "yes, you open the door to get my fingers out free."

Boy: no problem dude

He open the door for bonkers and set his fingers free.

Bonkers: thanks

Boy: "your welcome, oh by the way what's your name."

Bonkers: "I'm bonkers"

Boy: "greetings bonkers, I'm sandalwood."

Bonkers: "Nice to meet you sandalwood but I'm going to my friends. Bye."

Sandalwood: "you too bonkers."

At other side of the Hallway from the crowd of students there's twilight, fall-apart rabbit, and spike.

Spike: "I don't think this is a castle."

Bonkers: hey guys

The trio turn around to see bonkers behind the crowd of students.

Twilight: "where you been bonkers."

Bonkers: "I got my fingers stuck in the door and tried to call you three to help me."

Twilight: sorry about that bonkers.

Bonkers: "that alright there's a boy named sandalwood to help me."

Twilight: good

Meanwhile in the dead end of the hallway there's portal show up there's butch the dog and droopy the dog come out from the portal to the floor after that the portal is gone. Butch look down at droopy.

Butch: "are you sure the ox talisman inside the backpack from a pony from equestria is here in this school."

Droopy: "yup including the monkey talisman too."

Butch: "okay let's go get them and bring it to the boss."

Droopy: "that's a good idea new henchman."

But they didn't realized there's a shadow figure behind the wall just saw whole thing and pulled back to went somewhere in this school.

[Here's new chapter today]

twidash adventure Chronicles Vol. 1: Hunting TalismansWhere stories live. Discover now