meet the counterparts part 1

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The gang was then walking down the hallway not be in other people's way until she heard something.

Girl #1: "I'm really sorry. I just found it and I thought I should give it to her. I didn't know you had dropped it."

Girl #2: "well, i did, and I was about to get it until you swooped in and ruined anything."

The gang decided to peek in and sees a girl with yellow skin that looks brighter than the boy's from before, long pink hair with a white butterfly hair piece on it, and hazel eyes. She also wears a white tank top, a Green skirt with different colored butterflies on it, and green boots with pink over knee socks. She appeared to be picked on by another girl who has yellow and red long hair and orange skin. She also wears an orange skirt and boots along with a black leather jacket. The gang was shocked to see that this shy girl looks just like.

Girl #2: "you shouldn't pick up things that don't belong to you."

Girl #1: (whisper) "it doesn't really belong to you either."

Girl #2: excuse me

She slammed her hand on the locker to scare the shy girl.

Girl #1: "nothing!"

She slides down the locker in fear

Girl #2: "that's what I thought. It's as good as mine and you know it. You really are pathetic. It's no wonder your best friends are all stray animals."

Twilight: "how dare you speak to her that way."

Girl#2: "what did you say."

Twilight: "I said, how dare you speak to her that way."

bonkers hop on the boy head become scared of it and saw two girls having stare down.

Girl #2: "you must be new here."

She flicked twilight's nose before walk away.

Girl #2: "I can speak to anyone way I want."

She scaring the boy and bonkers into his locker and then leaves. Bonkers felts something inside his police hat.

Booker: "something inside my police hat."

Boy: really?

He grab something under his hat to pull out a small toon weather lightning named sparky.

Booker: "sparky what are you inside my hat?"

Sparky: sleeping of course

Booker: oh

Then sparky just sneeze lighting to zap bonkers and the boy for little bit they covered in smoke smug and fuzzy hair.

Sparky: sorry

Boy: that's alright

Bonkers: yeah

Meanwhile at the hallway with twilight,spike, fall-apart rabbit, and the shy girl.

Girl #1: "I can't believe you did that."

Twilight: "I couldn't just stand there."

Girl #1: "well, it's just that nobody ever stands up to sunset shimmer."

Twilight and fall-apart rabbit: "sunset shimmer."

Girl #1: "you've heard of her

Then boy open the locker to get out with bonkers and sparky to shock the girl with blue long hair has sunglasses on it.

Girl: "goodness Normal Norman what happens to you."

Normal Norman: "it's was living toon lightning did it."

Sparky: hello

Girl: hi

Then sparky and bonkers hop off normal Norman head heading to twilight and the others.

Twilight: "sort of."

Fluttershy: "i don't think I've seen you around before. Did you just transfer to canterlot high from another school."

Twilight: "um, yes. Another school. My name is twilight sparkle."

Girl: (whisper) I'm fluttershy

Bonkers: "sorry. What was that?"

Girl: (whisper) it's fluttershy.

Fall-apart rabbit: "it sounds like you're saying "fluttershy", but how can that."

Sparky: your right fall-apart

Fluttershy: "oh my goodness! Who this sweet little guy."

She run up to spike

Fluttershy: "that's spike, my, uh, dog."

Sparky: "hey bonker I found something inside your hat."

Bonkers: really?

He grab something inside his hat to pop out snake talisman to shock blueberry cake and normal Norman.

Normal Norman: (whisper) "he found the snake talisman inside his hat.

Blueberry cake: (whisper) "yeah let's tell rarity about this after class."

Both of them left and heading to find rarity.

Bonkers: "why a snake talisman inside my hat."

Sparky: beats me

He grab small plastic ziplock bag from his pocket and open it up to put snake talisman inside then zip it up went his pocket.

Bonkers: "let's tell twilight and spike about this later."

Sparky and fall apart-rabbit nodded their heads.

Twilight: "where is she now."

Fluttershy: "probably in her office." "Third door on your left."

Twilight: thank you

Twilight leaves with spike, bonkers, sparky, and fall-apart rabbit.

Fluttershy: "oh, wait."

The gang came back

Fluttershy: "you're not really supposed to have pets on school ground. Might want to tuck him into your bookbag. That's what I do."

As animal starts popping out of her backpack.

Fluttershy: "they just get so lonely when I'm at school all day."

Twilight: "oh, okay. Thank you."

The bell ring

Fluttershy: "oh no, I'm late for class."

She scooped up the pets and heads out to class. Twilight and the gang was ready to go to principal celestia's office. Meanwhile at the other hallway with droopy and butch the dog still find the talisman with twilight and other girl. a white ninja with purple sash round the waist, and purple boots  just come out from the wall with camo blanket to follow them in the hallway but accidentally stepped on chip to crush it.

Butch: what was that?

Both turn around see the hallway but no one there and look back to continue walking in the hallway the above the ceiling see ninja inside the open ceiling.

ninja: "that's was close one and head back to ms. Harshwhinny class but first I take off my ninja suit."

She climbing down from the ceiling and heading to girl restroom to change.

[Here's new chapter for today]

twidash adventure Chronicles Vol. 1: Hunting TalismansWhere stories live. Discover now