meet the counterparts part 2

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After about two minutes of walking, twilight and the gang finally manages to get to principal celestia's office. She then took a deep breath before she knocked on the door.

Principal celestia: come in

Twilight walks in like she would normally do back in equestria. She then awaits for to say what the princess version would say.

Principal celestia: "how may i help you."

Bonkers: "yes her name is twilight sparkle and new here, well we understand that fluttershy found a crown this morning and gave it to you."

Sparky: yeah

Principal celestia: "yes. I've had vice-principal luna put it somewhere for safekeeping. No idea how it ended up on the front lawn. Were you interested in running for princess of fall formal this year."

Twilight: "uh, no, not exactly. The truth is-well, truth is, i-you see-the crown is actually-princess of the formal?"

Principal celestia: "it's canterlot high's big fall formal."

Twilight: "like the grand galloping gala."

Principal celestia: "grand galloping gala?"

Sparky: "oh, uh it was big deal at her old school."

Principal celestia: "and was there a princess?"

Twilight: "yes, but she wasn't exactly a student."

Principal celestia: "here at canterlot high, students select one of their peers to represent them. She receives their crown at the fall formal."

Bonker grab the newspaper on the desk and look it see the white ninja strike again to team up with a gargoyle named Goliath save a girl from robbers.

Sparky: "who's the white ninja?"

Bonker: "we never heard her before."

Fall-apart: yeah

Principal celestia: "she's mystery ninja in night at canterlot city and use camo behind the moonlight to scare criminals."

Trio: whoa!?!

The gang starts leaving the office.

Twilight: "you asked if I was interested in running for princess can anyone run."

Principal celestia: "yes.  You just need to let the head of the fall formal planning committee know you'd like to be on ballot. Was there anything else?"

Twilight: "uh, nope. That was it."

Principal celestia: "well, if you do need anything else, my door is always open."

She closing the door

Spike: "twilight, why didn't you just tell her that the crown was yours and asked for it back."

Twilight: "well, I was going to, but imagine if one of them showed up in equestria saying they came up from a place filled with tall mushy two-legged creature with these, we'd think they were crazy."

Bonkers: good point

Sparky: yeah

Twilight: "looks like if I want my crown back, I'll have to become princess of the canterlot high fall formal. So that's what's I'm going to do."

Spike: "and how exactly do you plan on doing that."

Twilight: I have no idea.

The bell then suddenly ranged and the students of this school start coming out in the hallway. Meanwhile at other hallway next to computer lab with the door little bit open and there's girl named Gilda about going to class.

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