town hall meeting

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In ponyville after mane 6 defeat tirek and twilight got new castle in town then got married to rainbow dash become mrs and mrs. Sparkle so rainbow dash become princess too except to become Alicorn yet.

Inside the town hall there's a lot of ponies arguing at the mayor mare and the mane 6.

Mayor mare: "settle down everyponies and it's going to be alright."

Filthy rich: "it's not going to be alright mayor."

Spoiled rich: "a demon dragon released from his statue prison."

Daisy: "we going to do now."

twilight: "my friends from the other world will defeat shendu with captain black and his agents."

Sliver spoon: "really."

Rainbow: "yes, and captain black told me is shendu going to china towards his palace from their world."

Noteworthy: "who going with them."

Amethyst star walk out from the crowd towards mayor mare and mane 6 then turn around at them.

Amethyst star: "I'll go."

twilight: "are you sure amethyst."

Amethyst star: "yes princess."

Twilight: "okay be careful over there."

Rainbow: "kick that dragon butt."

Amethyst star: "I will princesses."

Dinky and derpy went to amethyst star to give her a hug.

Dinky: "be careful sis."

Derpy: "come home before defeat shendu."

Amethyst star: "I will."

Bon bon: "kick shendu butt for us."

she cast a portal spell with her horn to make a portal of canterlot high school to see captain black, jackie chan, uncle chan, rainbow dash, and section 13 agents. she jumped through the portal to the other world then portal closed behind her.

Amethyst star: "hey guys."

Rainbow: "what's up."

she wearing white plan midriff shirt with small green vest, green miniskirt, and combat boots.

Captain black: "you wanna join us going to china."

Amethyst star: "yeah."

Captain black: "good let's move ou..."

He got interrupted by rainbow dash fiance.

Rarity: "wait."

She went to rainbow dash and the others with sad look on her face.

Rarity: "please be careful out there."

Rainbow: "I will babe."

She kissed rarity on the lips for 2 seconds then look at each other.

Rainbow: "I love you rarity."

Rarity: "I love you too darling."

then black van pull up at canterlot high school driveway.

Captain black: "here's our ride."

Amethyst star: "valmont and his goons are lock up at section 13."

Jackie chan: "no they escape and take the twin blades helicopter towards the china too."

Amethyst star: "what?"

Jackie chan: "and tohru become good and quit the dark hand."

Amethyst star: "that's good."

Rainbow: "see ya babe."

Rarity: "come home soon."

Rainbow: "I will."

They get inside back of the van and the driver start driving on the road towards airport at canterlot city. See all the students and staff from the open window say goodbye to them.

"We're going to miss you guys."

"Come home soon."

"Save both world for us."

"Teach that meanie a lesson don't mess with canterlot high and equestria."

Rarity stare at van drive on the down on the road towards the portal with place her hand on little bit bigger stomach inside her long purple dress and say's, "please be careful guys."

Then hand on rarity shoulder and she turns around to see principal celestia with master shifu, sunset shimmer, derpy hooves, and vice principal luna.

Principal celestia: "we know you worried about them going to china to stop shendu but we all worried too.

Rarity: "I know."

Sunset: "it's going to be okay rarity. Rainbow dash and the others will defeat shendu to save the world."

Rarity: "really."

Sunset: "yeah."

Rarity: "okay thanks sunset."

Sunset: "no problem rare."

[Here's new chapter for this story.]

twidash adventure Chronicles Vol. 1: Hunting TalismansNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ