You're Different

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So yeah. I'm doing like a series of cute drabbles in a modern setting. It's not a continuation of "Another AU," but has a same setting.


"Are you sure you'll be okay?" 

Many things can be said of Evangeline Samos, but caring was not one of them.

Except when it came to her girlfriend and Mare, Evangeline was the cruelest girl to grace the hallways of Whitefire Academy.

"Yeah, I'll be fine. My ride's coming in a bit."

Evangeline was not convinced. "Mare, I don't want you getting hurt. Are you absolutely sure that I won't see you with another burn?" To anyone else the joke would be in poor taste, but Mare chuckled lightly. "No, if I'm lucky, I'll have another set of scratches. Go on, can't keep your lady waiting."

Her friend gave a sad smile, then pulled away from her parking space.

Mare waited on the steps of the school, letting her mind wander.

The knotted flesh at her back, courtesy of the richest girls in the school, made it hurt to smile. It was a wonder they got away with it.

Oh, that's right. Their fathers were business owners, lawyers, people with status and power, whilst her own dad barely survived the battlefield. The other girls had an excuse every time she tripped, faceplanted on the sidewalk. Their message was clear.

Your going here was a mistake. You will never fit in.

Oh, how she wished she could rip out their beautiful, porcelain throats with her teeth.

"Violent thoughts? You're grinning as if someone's blood is spurting out their veins."


"In the flesh." He smirked.

"I thought you wouldn't come back." Mare stood up and hugged him. Shade had been ahead in his studies, earning an early graduation with a free ride to college.

"Even if I hate this country, I would go back for my favorite sister." He grinned. "And girlfriend. Farley's a student teacher her, and she needs a ride."

"Oh." Her spirits dampened a bit. She wished that some things were purely for her.

"I'm just going to drop her off, and then we'll have the rest of the day to ourselves. Deal?"

She smiled lightly. "Deal."

After that, her older brother skipped up the steps to the entrance.

Mare heard the girls singing before she saw them pass her down the steps. For a chorus group, they sure sounded breathy and out of tune.

They stopped and turned to face her. "Mare! Did your girlfriend leave you for someone else?" She paid them no mind.

"Mare, where's your dream guy that always droned on about?" How did they hear about that? She said it over text!

"Mare, your skin color's too dark to be here!" That saying was implied, but it nearly pushed her over the edge.

Before her violent fantasy became a reality, Maven walked out and approached Mare. "Waiting for someone?"

"Yeah. Your ride." She unclenched her fists, and stood up to match his height.

"Oh. So you guys are finally dating?"

She blushed. "Yep."

Maven threw up his hands dramatically. "Thank the gods! You don't know how long I've waited for this moment!"

Mare opened her mouth to say something snarky about the drama club when a Porsche slowed to a stop in front of the school. The girls were already flocking the man that so elegantly got out and took off his sunglasses.

"Aw, how cute the little ducklings think they know who their mommy is."

Maven laughed. The image of his brother surrounded by tiny chicks and trying to shoo them away surely brightened his spirits.

His grin grew wider as the girls tried to get his name, his number, etc. when their name was pretty famous in the city. His father practically owned half of it, so...

"Hiiii, Cal. You know, I really like—" Maven scoffed. He frowned when Mare turned a bright red as they still followed him up the steps.

He rolled his eyes as his older brother reached for Mare's face and lightly kissed her. That and the other girls were "awwing".

Like, why? They make fun of her skin and thirty seconds later they fawn over them as if both of them were as white as chalk. He was, not her.

She buried her face in his chest and looped her arms around his waist.

Maven resisted the urge to "fangirl" like the rest of the girls were not doing.


They were cuddling on the couch and Mare refused to let go. The whole day was nothing more than pain and what she needed was comfort.

The benefit of having a boyfriend like him. He knew exactly what she needed and gave it willingly, without question.

"Tell me, love. What goes on in that pretty head of yours?"

"They take what's mine. And they're right. I don't belong, Cal."

He smiled. "That is very correct. You don't."

Mare frowned, and glanced up. 

"You don't have their status, their fathers.." he trailed off, picking at her shirt. "You don't have their style..." he smirked.

Her mouth opened to protest, but he shushed her. "You don't fit in. And that's what I love about you."

She smiled, and buried her head in his shoulder.

Then she remembered.


Oh well.

That does it. Hope you liked it.

This is the third writer typing, and have a good day🙂

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