Chapter 12

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And here comes something of a must for any Dramione story. A good old nightmare to break the ice between them stubborn people ;) Enjoy! ^^

,,You both have failed me" Voldemort was saying in his soft, ice cold voice.

Voldemort looked even more terrifying than ever and Draco found himself cowering at his feet, trembling, dreading what was coming. He knew the Dark Lord was not going to show them mercy and, sure enough, seconds later Draco felt an excruciating pain, as if every molecule in his body caught fire instantaneously.

He was writhing in pain, crouching on the floor. Letting go of all pretense, Draco heard himself scream, louder than he ever had before. At the edge of his vision he saw his father on the floor as well, contorting and looking up at Voldemort, a look of pure terror in his eyes. Between gasps of air Lucius was imploring the Dark Lord to spare them, to spare Draco. Then Lucius let out a horrifying scream. It pierced Draco's ears and made his own pain double in intensity.

Then the pain lessened. Voldemort lowered his wand, talking to them, but Draco couldn't hear him. His father's screams were still resounding in his ears. But there was something very strange about those sounds. They seemed too high pitched, almost inhuman, not at all what his father's voice sounded like.

Draco tried to turn around, fighting the wave of pain that washed over his body as Voldemort raised his wand again.

,,You shall pay for your mistakes" Draco could now hear the Dark Lord saying, his voice cold and devoid of all emotion.

Draco knew what was coming now. Avada Kedavra, the killing curse. He was about to die. At that point it almost seemed like a blessing. If only his father would stop screaming, he could let go in piece.

Draco woke with a start. He bolted upward and looked around, eyes still widened with the terror of the pain he felt in his nightmare. As he slowly brushed a hand through his hair and across his forehead, both drenched in cold sweat, he could feel every muscle in his body hurt.

He hadn't planned on it, but he somehow fell asleep while thinking about his interaction with Hermione earlier than evening. Since sleep came over him unexpectedly, he hadn't had a chance to take his Dreamless Potion that night.

I definitely haven't missed those nightmares. I feel like a wreck.

Then, just as he was rubbing his temples, trying to steady his breathing, a scream pierced his ears, the same high-pitched scream he heard in his nightmare.

Draco jolted out of bed and was at the door in an instant.

Father? But how can it be...

He shook his head, trying to clear his mind from the fog that still lingered, as scenes from his nightmare came rushing over his thoughts, blurring his vision. Voldemort was there and he was torturing his father and him. Draco stumbled on his feet, leaning against the door for support. His mind was fighting, trying to reason with the absurdity of such a thing.

Voldemort is dead. Gone. He couldn't possibly be torturing anyone.

Another scream washed over his ears, this time louder and clearer than before. Draco slowly woke from his daze, his eyes starting to focus again.

No, someone is definitely screaming in pain, but who...

,,Granger" he gasped in horror as another scream, coming from the other side of the flat, pierced his ears sharply. That blew away any fog or blurry image that might have lurked in his mind.

Draco's body twitched. Hermione was in danger and he needed to help her. He blew the door opened and rushed towards Hermione's room, while casting a spell to reveal just how many enemies he would have to deal with.

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