Chapter 15

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,,Granger, you really should stop coming back looking like this" Draco said with a halfhearted sneer.

Draco studied her for a second, then let out a soft gasp at the sight of her. He crossed the room swiftly and was beside her in a moment. He knelt in front of the armchair, placing a hand on each of the armrests, slowly taking in her entire disheveled look. Her cheeks were flushed, her hair was untied from the neat bun she always wore it in, and her eyes were wide and glossy.

,,Granger, what happened?"

He tried to speak in a casual tone, but Hermione thought she could discern a bit of concern in his voice. Draco's eyes stopped suddenly on her left arm and a sudden searing pain confirmed what Draco's surprised eyes showed her. She was hurt. She was bleeding profusely from a large cut on her forearm, the blood dripping and soaking her clothes.

,,N-nothing" Hermione uttered frailly. ,,Nothing, I just..."

,,This is not nothing, Granger!" Draco snapped at her. ,,Actually, this is the opposite definition of nothing. I thought you were the brightest witch of our age for Merlin's sake" Draco raised his voice angrily.

He was now staring intensely at her and Hermione could see hot anger in those stormy gray eyes. Hermione looked at him, baffled by his, rather explosive reaction, not knowing what to say or do, but before she could come up with anything, Draco sprang to his feet, taking her by surprise.

,,I'm going to check the surroundings. Stay here!" Draco said taking his wand out.

,,It's not safe. There could be more of them" Hermione said hastily.

,,I can take care of myself, Granger. You should be more worried about them" Draco said in a grim voice.

,,Still, it's too dangerous" Hermione insisted. ,,This wasn't some accident, it was a premeditated attack. The one who attacked me, he knew I would pass by that place."

,,All the more reason to..." Draco started to say but was cut off by Hermione.

,,No!" Hermione said vehemently, frowning at Draco.

Draco stared at her quietly. After a moment he raised his wand and thin silvery vapor started to form in the tip of his wand.

,,Alright, I won't go. Instead I will call Potter here to..."

,,No, not Harry!" Hermione exclaimed in a panic-stricken voice.

She jumped to her feet and grabbed Draco by the arm, startling him. the silvery light flickered.

,,Granger..." he said but was cut off once again by a very agitated Hermione.

,,Don't call Harry" she said, looking imploringly at Draco. ,,He'll worry and... just... please Draco" she finally said in barely more than a whisper. Draco opened his mouth to say something but closed it as soon as he registered Hermione's words.


His eyes widened and he stared transfixed at Hermione's face. He wondered since when had she felt close enough to him to use his first name. Or perhaps was it due to the shock of the moment, just like it had been for him when he called her by her first name.

Draco lowered his wand slowly, still feeling Hermione's grasp on his arm. The silvery light flickered again, then died out. Hermione pulled her hand away quickly, looking flustered. The place where her cold fingers touched his skin was burning, sending a shiver down Draco's spine.

After a brief moment of inner struggle, Draco's expression changed as he quickly composed himself.

,,Fine! I won't call Potter if that's what you want" he said simply, pocketing his wand. ,,But on one condition" he continued, slowly brushing a hand through his hair.

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