Chapter 27

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This is it, this is where it all ends! Well let's not be that dramatic, now shall we? It's been a wonderful journey. I had a lot of fun thinking about and writing this story. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I had writing it! Thank you for sticking until the very end! ^^

Two weeks had passed since the incident of Hermione's almost kidnapping. With Draco's help and with the information gathered from the arrested Death Eaters, Harry was on a lead to catching McKinley.

Draco had wished to go with him on raids, but Harry was adamant about refusing him.

,,You're not an Auror, Malfoy. I can't let you come with us. I'm sorry." Harry would tell Draco every time he brought up the subject.

Draco could only growl his disapproval and sit still while Aurors went and caught small groups of Death Eaters hiding across the northern regions. McKinley was still evading their every attempt and Draco grew more restless by the day.

One evening, Draco was sitting with his mother on the sofa, having a cup of tea. They had been sitting quietly for a while, until Narcissa finally broke the silence.

,,Have you seen Hermione Granger lately?" she asked, glancing sideways at her son.

,,No, not since... since that day." Draco said calmly, despite being surprised by his mother's sudden interest.

That was true. Draco hadn't seen Hermione since that day at the hospital. He only knew she was doing well and that she got back to working at St. Mungo's. He'd been upset with her decision but knew very well he couldn't do anything about it.

,,I see. That's too bad." Narcissa said quietly.

A soft huff could be heard from the small painting frame that overlooked their sofa. Both Draco and Narcissa ignored it. Ever since that conversation, Draco had avoided his father, making sure he wasn't in the room when Lucius entered his portrait. Narcissa thought this attitude was very childish but she couldn't blame it all on Draco. Lucius had been too blunt about something Draco subconsciously tried very hard to deny. She had to admit that, after the first conversation she had with Lucius's portrait, she found his approving attitude towards Hermione quite shocking. She concluded something must have happened when the two met that made Lucius see Hermione in a different light.

This is how Harry's stag Patronus found the Malfoys, a few minutes later. Draco was sitting with his arms crossed, frowning at the floor, his mother was sipping her tea, calm as ever, and Lucius was absent from his painting.

,,Draco, McKinley has attacked. Come to St. Mungo's immediately! The Janus Thickey ward." the silvery stag said urgently in Harry's voice, before dissolving into silver smoke.

Draco's heart sunk, his whole body freezing.

The Janus Thickey ward? But that ward is for treatment of spell damage. Did McKinley manage to hurt someone, and they were in the hospital?

,,Hermione." He said under his breath.

As soon as the thought crossed his mind, his insides went cold. He jumped to his feet and disappeared on the spot. He Apparated the closest he could to the entrance of the hospital and from there he broke into a run towards the Janus Thickey ward. As soon as he reached the place, he realized he didn't know where he could find her. Potter was also nowhere in sight.

Letting out a loud curse, he ran along the hallway, hoping he would see Hermione there and sure enough, he soon heard her voice coming from one of the rooms on the left. He sprang forward hoping he would reach the door but was immediately stopped by several healers.

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