Chapter 17

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,,You said you wanted to see me, Malfoy."

Harry Potter was sitting on the couch in Draco's flat glaring at the blond-haired man in front of him. A few minutes earlier he had received a message from Draco saying he wanted to talk to him urgently and that he was expecting him. At first, Harry seriously thought about ignoring Draco's message.

Who does he think he is, calling me like that? Like I am his servant or something. Harry had thought.

But soon the idea that it might have something to do with Hermione ran through Harry's mind, making him swallow his pride and go see his former enemy. He soon apparated in the common room and slumped on the couch without waiting to be invited.

Draco had taken a sit in one of the armchairs, as far away from Harry as it was possible given the size of the room. He was returning Harry's glares twofold.

They spent a few minutes, quietly surveying each other, their expressions that of pure hatred and apprehension.

,,You said it was urgent, Malfoy, so speak." Harry pressed as Draco kept remaining silent.

,,It's about Granger." Draco finally said.

Harry tensed up.

,,What about Hermione?" Harry almost jumped out of the couch. ,,Did something happen? Is she alright?" Harry continued to bombard Draco with questions.

Draco remained quiet again and Harry felt a sudden urge to punch him in the face until he talked. Meanwhile, Draco was looking back at Harry as if he liked nothing more than to curse him senseless. Finally, Harry snapped.

,,Malfoy, if you do not start talking I swear in Godric's name I will jinx your sorry ar..."

,,She was attacked." Draco said snappishly, still glaring at Harry.

Harry gaped at him, registering his words. Draco brushed a hand through his hair, then continued to talk, all the while fixing Harry's eyes.

,,A few days ago she was attacked by a masked man dressed in black robes. She managed to escape and got away with only a light wound. But the wound... it looked like it had been made by a Sectusempra curse. Not many people know about that curse, Potter. You know that." he said pointedly.

Harry's eyes widened slightly but he chose to ignore Draco's last remark.

,,A few days ago? Why are you telling me this now?" spat Harry angrily.

,,Because she insisted not to tell you." Draco said simply. ,,I wanted to call you on that very day but she insisted I wouldn't. She kept saying you would worry."

,,If that is indeed so and she didn't want you to tell me, why are we having this conversation now?" Harry frowned at Draco.

,,Potter, I am Draco Malfoy and I do not listen to stupid requests" Draco answered sharply, venom dripping in his voice. ,,You are an Auror and, as much as I do not want to admit it, you're a pretty good one from what I heard." he added with displeasure. ,,So do your bloody job and find out who it was that attacked Granger. I bet there are more of them where he came from. Black robes, Sectusempra curse... it's not difficult to figure out what circle he belongs to."

Draco stopped for a moment, a strange look flashing across his face, one that Harry couldn't quite understand.

Could it be worry? Could he actually be worried about Hermione and that's why he's telling me this? Harry thought.

But Harry couldn't be sure, because the look was gone as quickly as it had appeared. Draco composed himself, managing to show his never-failing sneer.

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