Chapter 20

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Later that week Draco was pacing in his room, looking irritated. Blaise was lounging in one of the armchairs in front of the fireplace, glancing at Draco from above a glass of firewiskey.

,,Draco, buddy, you should stop or you're going to make a dent in the floor." Blaise said for what had to be the fifth time in half an hour.

,,They should have been here by now!" Draco grumbled, not paying attention to Blaise.

,,And they will be. I'm sure 'The boy who won the war' Potter is a... well a man of his word. If he said he'll be here, then he will." Blaise said nodding, finishing his drink and placing the glass on the coffee table. ,,Now, tell me, do you have a plan?"

,,Kind of, but I don't know if it will work." Draco said uncertainly.

He had stopped pacing and was now staring out the window.

,,Why is that?" Blaise asked, his eyebrows raised. It wasn't like Draco to be unsure of something he planned so diligently.

,,I don't know if she will agree to it." Draco said quietly.

,,Aahh, I see what this is about." Blaise said, a smile spreading on his lips, ,,You're worried she'll make a scene."

,,She always makes a scene when it comes to something like this." Draco scowled at his reflection in the window. ,,It's like one of her many hidden talents or something. Should have seen her when she found out Potter had Aurors watching her."

,,Bet she went mad." Blaise smirked, evidently amusing himself with the situation.

,,Mad?!" Draco huffed, turning and taking a sit across from Blaise. ,,She went berserk, mate. As soon as she saw me in the house, she started throwing curses at me."

,,Well, look on the bright side." Blaise said with a mischievous look on his face. ,,At least she didn't egg that ginger demon on you."

Draco threw an angry glare at his friend, who burst into laughter. A moment later, Hermione's voice came from the common room.

,,They're here." she said, and Draco could hear voices talking energetically.

,,Here goes nothing." Draco groaned, getting up and opening the door. ,,Coming?" he turned to Blaise.

,,Wouldn't miss it for the world!" Blaise grinned.

,,Glad at least one of us is having fun." Draco scoffed under his breath.

When they entered the common room, the place was packed with people. Truthful to his word, Harry came, but to Draco's despair, he had brought a few too many people with him. Ginny was just hugging Hermione, smiling widely at her friend. Neville and Luna were whispering to each other, and next to Harry were none other than Ron and George. With a jolt in the stomach, Draco thought about Fred.

I never realized just how much they resembled each other. Wonder how he feels, not seeing his twin anymore. Is it like missing half of you?

As if feeling his thoughts, George glanced at Draco, startling him out of his dark musings. Looking to George's left he noticed Ron staring at him as well.

,,What's HE doing here?" Draco asked promptly, frowning slightly at Ron.

,,Whatever HE is doing, I suppose." Ron said calmly, gesturing at Blaise. ,,Moral support." Blaise offered Ron a grin in return.

,,Now is not the time to be peaky, Malfoy. We need as many trusty people as we can gather." Harry said warningly.

,,Exactly." Ron said with a nod, shoving his hands into his pockets. ,,Besides, I'm on a holiday right now, and what better way to spend it than to chase around Dark wizards." he shrugged and grinned at Draco.

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