Chapter Two

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Footsteps pounded on the pavement, giving Mia a headache as she saw Bella and Drew racing towards them

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Footsteps pounded on the pavement, giving Mia a headache as she saw Bella and Drew racing towards them. "Mia!? Blake!? Are you okay? Oh my gosh! What the heck happened?" asked Bella. Mia turned around to find that Bella and Drew were making their way towards them.

"Yeah," she informed them, taking a deep breath. "Yeah, I'm fine but... we just got attacked. Almost kidnapped," she confessed, still in shock.

"What!?" Bella asked, her face a mix of shock, worry, and fear.

"Yeah, Blake punched some of them, though and they just left," she lied.

"So they got away?" Drew asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, they did."

"We should get you two home," Drew suggested. 

"It's fine. Really I'm fine," Mia muttered.

Before she even knew what was happening, Bella wrapped her arms around Mia and as they huddled around her, wrapping their arms around Mia in a tight embrace, she knew that she had finally found people who maybe, just maybe, really cared for her. That was enough.


Mia woke up to the bright sun shining on her face through her attic window. She had decided that what had happened the other day was nothing but her imagination. Mia got up slowly and yawned as she looked at her alarm clock. Her eyes widened as she saw that it was already 7:40! This meant that she would only have twenty minutes to get ready.

She ran into the small bathroom and grabbed a towel. She took a quick five-minute shower. She dried and brushed her hair quickly before brushing her teeth.

Mia raced down the stairs and into the kitchen where she grabbed two pop tart packets.

"TORI! Time to go!" she yelled, already racing out the door with Tori on her heels. They reached the car quickly and hopped in. "Google Maps, please," Mia asked as she started up the old car. She still didn't quite know the way to the school as they had only been there once and it was a thirty-minute drive.

The traffic was unusually bad. The highways were jammed and it took them the full thirty minutes to arrive. They got inside and went their separate ways, racing towards their classes. Mia entered her Literature classroom and rushed to the same seat she sat in yesterday. She wasn't late but she also wasn't early which meant that she had no time to read.

She listened to Mr. Culie's lecture as she took notes. She already knew most of what he was talking about simply due to the fact that she read so much but she figured that it would be smart to re-study it.

No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get the thoughts that had happened yesterday out of her head... She told no-one anything and hoped that it would go away. It was just a dream! I didn't get attacked and I didn't do anything that had to do with electricity! I went outside to cry when Blake found me and comforted me, she told herself sternly.

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