Chapter Fifteen

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Mia found herself and Blake in the art room

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Mia found herself and Blake in the art room. Since she had only been in lunch for about ten minutes, they still had forty minutes to talk or whatever it was they were going to do.

The room was empty except for some easels and stools. There were some cupboards in the back that she assumed were filled with painting supplies.

It was cold in the room but at that moment, Mia couldn't care less. All she cared about was that no-one was staring at her and she couldn't be happier.

"We are going to do art," he told her.

"I didn't know you liked art," she told him, smirking.

"There are a lot of things you don't know about me," he replied.

"Okay? Like what?" she asked, challenging him.

"I can't tell you. That would spoil the fun."

"Fine, then. Let's just paint."

"Okay." Mia grabbed a canvas, some paint, and a few wooden paint brushes. She wheeled herself in front of the easel and started thinking. She wanted to paint something good enough to impress Blake.

Suddenly, it popped right into her mind. She set aside the colors she would need before going crazy.

Out of the corner of her eye she saw that Blake had already started. For some reason, it felt like a competition.

Half an hour later and Mia was nowhere near close to finishing but she knew the bell would ring soon so she packed up everything she had used, hid her unfinished painting in a closet and watched as Blake did the same.

"That was nice. Thank you."

"No problem. By the way, Bella is running towards us and I am not going to deal with that," he told Mia.

She furrowed her eyebrows before she turned to see Bella actually sprinting towards them. Mia did not know anyone could run that fast.

If she had been given more of a warning, Mia would have run but she was stuck there. At least Blake's here, she thought, turning around to see... air. She saw air.

Mia sighed and shook her head in disappointed disbelief.

Bella stopped when she was right in front Mia, her hands on her knees, panting mercilessly. "You... have some... explaining... to... do," she said in between deep intakes of breath.

"About?" she asked, genuinely confused.

At this point, Bella had caught her breath and was able to stand again. "You know what!" she exclaimed.

"Okay? But I don't, though." Mia was bewildered at her curly haired friend's insanity.

"Ugh! Fine. The cafeteria," she specified, clearly irritated. "What the heck happened at the cafeteria!?"

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